Espruingo is a live code loader for Espruino ( - run once and it will monitor the target file, sending changes to your Espruino board on each file save. Use your favorite Editor/IDE.
Also provides console output from Espruino - plugin and connect to Espruino to monitor output.
Written in Go (1.5).
- Source file monitoring, files uploaded to Espruino board on save
- Module loading, recursively fetches and loads minified versions of the modules from
- Minification before sending code to Espruino board
- Console output in terminal
You need a Go environment and to download and install the source. There are binaries, check the binaries folder and the README in there.
- go get
- go install
Intended to run as a binary, once installed, make sure in your PATH so you can run like this:
espruingo <file to watch> <port name>
If not in path, seems if you have a Go environment setup properly, you can run like this (my MacBook):
./espruingo <file to watch> <port name>
Using the included esp.js file, assuming on a Macbook or Linux you might start it like this:
espruingo esp.js /dev/tty.usbmodemfa131
Make changes to esp.js
and they are pushed to your board on file save
v0.9.1 - Changes to make compatible with new API of minify package (
v0.9.0 - Feature complete.
Copyright Ollie Phillips 2015. MIT licensed.
Contributions welcome. Please fork and create a new branch for your development.