Mishkal Arabic text vocalization software
Mishkal : Arabic text vocalization system
مشكال لتشكيل النصوص العربية
This program is licensed under the GPL License
Developpers: Taha Zerrouki: http://tahadz.com taha dot zerrouki at gmail dot com
http://tahadz.com Download
http://svn.arabeyes.org http://github.com/linuxscout/mishkal
- Run MishkalGui
- mishkal-gui
- mishkal-webserver
- serving on view at
- open in your browser the URL:
Usage: mishkal-console -f filename [OPTIONS]
mishkal-console 'السلام عليكم' [OPTIONS]
[-f | --file= filename]input file to mishkal-console
[-i | --ignore] ignore the last Mark on output words.
[-r | --reduced] Reduced Tashkeel.
[-s | --strip] Strip tashkeel (remove harakat).
[-h | --help] outputs this usage message
[-v | --version] program version
[-l | --limit] vocalize only a limited number of line
[-x | --syntax] disable syntaxic analysis
[-m | --semantic] disable semantic analysis
[-c | --compare] compare the vocalized text with the program output
[-t | --stat] disable statistic tashkeel
This program is licensed under the GPL License
file/directory category description
- mishkal-console.py program Mishkal script used on shell command
- mishkal-gui.py program launch mishkal GUI interface with QT
- mishkal-webserver.py web lauch mishkal web server\n
[docs] docs/ docs documentation
- exe_setup.py setup prepare setup for windows using py2exe
- setup.py setup setup for library and linux package
- lib/aranasyn/ Arabic syntaxic analyzer
- lib/asmai/ Arabic syntaxic analyzer
- gui/ GUI source
- tashkeel/ Tashkeel module source
core/ basic tools
- web/ lib Libraries fot web interface
- web/okasha trivial web framework
- web/paste web frame work
- web/simplejson simple json library
- data/ data databases files
- ar/ resources reources for gui arabic
- tmp/ log tomporary fdirectory for web service
- cleanpyc setup a shell script to remove .pyc files
- output/ test test output
- samples/ test sample files
- tools/ test script to use mishkal
- files/ web files used for web service
- templates/ web Templates used for web service
- adawaty.py web a script for web service
- cgirunner.py web a script for web service using cgi
- crossdomain.xml web Configuration file to allow cross domain json API
- index.html web an index file to avoid directory access
- mishkal web A cgi Script used on web service
- mishkal-webserver.py web lauch mishkal web server
- mintiq TTS a shell script to join mishkla with espeak Text to speech
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="result"> |
الاستدعاء يكون كما يأتي
1 | $.getJSON("http://tahadz.com/mishkal/ajax...", {text:"السلام عليكم\nاهلا بكم\nكيف حالكم", action:"TashkeelText"}, |
- text: النص المطلوب تشكيله.
- action: العملية المطلوبة وهنا هي TashkeelText.
1 {"result": " السّلامُ عَلَيكُمْ اهلا بِكُمْ كَيْفَ حالُكُمْ", "order": "0"}
- result: النص الناتج المشكول.
- order: رقم السطر في النص الأصلي، فإذا كان النص الأصلي كبيرا يقسمه المشكال لعدد من الاسطر، وقد لا يرجعون في نفس الترتيب، لذا حددنا رقم الترتيب.