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Playbooks used by the OME team for deploying production services including OMERO


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OME production services playbooks

These playbooks encapsulate the running of various production servers run by the OME team.

At the moment, only the ome-demoserver.yml playbook is available here. This is a playbook for OMERO.demo server on OMERO.server and OMERO.web. You can read more about this OMERO.demo server on our website.

We are in the process of adding more OME team's production playbooks here.

If you are looking for examples of running your own production OMERO.server see


  • Install Ansible >2.10
  • Install required roles: ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
  • Run the ome-demoserver.yml playbook:
cd playbooks
ansible-playbook --ask-become --become -i $PATH/TO/INVENTORY ome-demoserver.yml -l $YOUR-HOST-ADDRESS-OR-IP --diff


We test the playbooks here on Rocky Linux 9 platform via Ansible Molecule, see test scenarios under molecule.

The main components of the playbooks (roles) are being independently tested on both Rocky Linux 9 and Ubuntu 22.04. See e.g. ome.omero_server role.