The orginal creators have moved on and are no longer active in the Bolt community.
But there are new maintainers!
It looks like there are some compatibility hiccups with Defined Events. To steer clear of any trouble, just make sure you've got Unity Visual Scripting version 1.8.0 until its fixed.
A community-driven project for extending Unity Visual Scripting with custom nodes, assets, types, and helpers.
Development is open to the community.
Unity Visual Scripting is now this master branch. To use Bolt, use the branch bolt-main
. Be aware, the Bolt branch will no longer be receiving updates.
To import the addon, use one of the following methods:
Important: if updating from a pre-3.0 version, please DELETE any Bolt.Addons.Community dll files. By default these were placed in your Plugins folder.
Open the Unity Package Manager, and click the "+" button in the top-left corner :
and add the following url:
For BOLT use branch bolt-main
with this url:
(for more information, or if errors are encountered, see
Then, use the Regenerate Nodes option in Project Settings > Visual Scripting, and they're ready to go! Once you've rebuilt your node options, the new nodes will be available for use.
Alternatively, open Packages/manifest.json and add this line under dependencies:
"dev.bolt.addons": ""
(for more information, or if errors are encountered, see
Then, use the Regenerate Nodes option in Project Settings > Visual Scripting, and they're ready to go! Once you've rebuilt your node options, the new nodes will be available for use.
To update, open Packages/manifest.json and remove the dev.bolt.addons entry under lock at the end of the file. Once Unity synchronizes the package source, use the Tools menu to Build Unit Options and incorporate any new units.
We include a multitude of assets, nodes, and tooling to extend missing language concepts and provide fundamental utilities and extensions for graphs. Here is what you will find:
- Increment Variable
- Decrement Variable
- Plus Equals
- On Every X Seconds
- On Variable Changed
- Manual Event
- Defined Event
- Trigger Defined Event
- Global Defined Event
- Trigger Global Defined Event
- Return Event
- Event Return
- Trigger Return Event
- Editor Window Events
- Trigger Asset Custom Event
- Reset Graph Listener
- ChannelEvent
- TriggerChannelEvent
- Wait for Task Event
- Send Task Event
- Arrow
- Todo
- Some Value
- Stuff Happens
- Comment
- Random Numbers
- Create Array
- Get Array Item
- Set Array Item
- Query
- Random Element
- Branch (Params)
- Gate
- Edge Trigger
- Change Detect
- Invoke Delegate
- Bind Delegate
- Unbind Delegate
- Create Delegate
- Limited Trigger
- Chance Flow
- FlowToCoroutine
- CoroutineToFlow
- WaitForManualPress
- If
- Latch
- Polarity
- Between
- Logic (Params)
- Log
- Toggle Bool
- Convert
- Flow Reroute
- Value Reroute
- Copy To Clipboard
- Counter
- Is Empty or Whitespace
- HDRColors
- Bold
- Size
- Color
- Italic
- Strikethrough
- Underline
- Reverse String
Object Pooling
- Initialize Object Pool
- Retrive Object
- Return Object
- Return All
- Events
- On Retrived
- On Returned
- Events
- Machine Is
- Get Machine
- Get Machines
- Get Machine Variable
- Set Machine Variable
- Has Machine Variable
- Yield
- Enumerator
- Window Is
- Get Window Variable
- Set Window Variable
- Math Op
- Functions
- Decay
- Exponential
- Linear
- Logarithmic
- Reverse Linear
- Sigmoid
- Negate Value
Code Assets are used to generate dependency free C# code.
- Class (Experimental)
- Delegate
- Enum
- Interface (Experimental)
- Struct (Experimental)
- Editor Window
- Unit Generator Window
- Unit Descriptor Generator Window
- Node Selection to Asset or Embed
- Compiler Button
- S2NX7
- Reality.Stop()
- JasonJonesLASM
With contributions from:
- Necka
- AFoolsDuty
- Eka
- Silence
- PurerLogic
- Tomate Salat
- Spyboticer