Example usage:
Initializing the client...
const config = {
baseUrl: "https://www.ravenfall.stream/api/",
password: "myravenfallpassword",
debug: false
const Ravenfall = require('./ravenfall');
var r = new Ravenfall(config);
Using the ravenfall client examples;
Getting the currently available items and their descriptions (and stores them internally in the ravenfall client for re-use)
r.GetItems().catch(function(err) {
console.log("ERR GetItems:" + err);
Getting player stats and showing the current level + progression (similar to the official !stats)
r.GetPlayerByTwitchId(chatter.user_id).then(function(data) {
var stats = [];
if(typeof data !== "undefined" && typeof data.skills !== "undefined") {
for(var s in data.skills) {
if(s!== "id" && s !== "revision") {
var item = data.skills[s];
stats.push(s + " " + r.ExperienceToLevel(item) + " (" + r.Progress(item) + ")");
console.log(stats.join(", "));
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log("ERR GetPlayerByTwitchId:" + err);