Cookie-cutter for autogenerating bash scripts. Populates the boilerplate so scripters can focus on the substance.
The template includes ...
- unofficial bash strict mode
- SCRIPT_DIR environment variable
- git environment variables
- colored output - fail / success
- parsing arguments
- parsing yaml
- and more ...
Follow the series of prompts after cloning and calling
git clone [email protected]:onescriptkid/madlib && pushd madlib > /dev/null
./ -s -a0
Created script:
git clone [email protected]:onescriptkid/madlib && pushd madlib > /dev/null
./ -s
Created script:
docker run -v /tmp:/tmp -it onescriptkid/madlib -s -a0
Created script:
docker run -v /tmp:/tmp -it onescriptkid/madlib
Created script:
Download example output via curl
curl > /tmp/ && chmod +x /tmp/
Older versions of Bash 4.X / 3.X should work, but are untested
- Bash
- Ubuntu
- Yaml Parser requires
- sed
(GNU sed) 4.7
- mawk
1.3.4 20200120
- sed
If missing, install with
sudo apt update && sudo apt install bash sed mawk -y
prefix unit tests. To test, run
Example unit test for SCRIPT_DIR
test_absolute /tmp/madlib-XXX/
REALPATH is: /tmp/madlib-NS1SFLpaz7
SCRIPT_DIR is: /tmp/madlib-NS1SFLpaz7
REALPATH is: /tmp/madlib-NS1SFLpaz7
SCRIPT_DIR is: /tmp/madlib-NS1SFLpaz7
test_space_in_pathname /abc/d ef/hi/
REALPATH is: /tmp/madlib-NS1SFLpaz7/abc/d ef/hij
SCRIPT_DIR is: /tmp/madlib-NS1SFLpaz7/abc/d ef/hij
List the top tag vX.X.X
git describe --tags --abbrev=0 --match "v[0-9]*"
Push a new tag vX.X.X+1
git tag -a "v1.0.2" -m "Release v1.0.2"
git push --tags
adds the repo contents to the Dockerfile and adds tags.
Step 12/12 : CMD [ /madlib/ ]
---> Running in 145cfe78d5c4
Removing intermediate container 145cfe78d5c4
---> 6f7d5a86a88e
Successfully built 6f7d5a86a88e
Successfully tagged madlib:latest
Login with docker login -u onescriptkid
pushes the madlib
dockerimage to dockerhub
dc62e246cb08: Layer already exists
a8df7183ce0b: Layer already exists
1ad27bdd166b: Layer already exists
v0.0.1-1-g557e9e0: digest: sha256:aa52c11054c87c939a24e5d62e974dfa4551ad4ed5d898fd4a19b5d8ee7d4ade size: 2401
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_onescriptkid