Omise.Net is a .Net library written in C# provides the wrapper functions for Omise payment API calls.
The library requires .Net framework 2.0, 3.5, 4.0 or 4.5.
To use the library, simply add a reference to Omise.Net.dll and you are ready to go.
The core of the library is the Client which contains all services to call the APIs.To initialize the client, you need to have the api secret key.
var client = new Omise.Client(YOUR_API_KEY);
Creating a charge requires a valid card token, you can create a card token with the card information. We recommended you to create a token using Omise.JS library which runs on browser side, the client will directly send the card information to Omise gateway so that your server doesn't have to deal with card information at all. However, the library also provides way to create a card token as below example (create a card token on server side requires PCI compliance on your system)
var card = new CardCreateInfo ();
card.ExpirationMonth = 9;
var token = new TokenInfo ();
token.Card = card;
var tokenResult = client.TokenService.CreateToken(token);
you can then use the tokenResult.Id to create a charge like below
var charge = new ChargeCreateInfo ();
charge.Amount = 1000;
charge.Currency = "THB";
charge.Description = "Test charge";
charge.Capture = true;
charge.CardId = tokenResult.Id
var chargeResult = client.ChargeService.CreateCharge (charge);
var tokenResult = client.TokenService.GetToken("tkn_xxxxxxxxxxxx");
var chargeResult = client.ChargeService.GetCharge("12345");
var customer = new CustomerInfo();
customer.Email = "test@localhost";
customer.Description = "My test customer";
var customerResult = client.CustomerService.CreateCustomer(customer);
With the customerResult, you can get access to the customer properties such Id, Email, Description and so on.