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A backstop for shared logic between rdf-based implementations of IGraph.


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A backstop for shared logic between rdf-based implementations of IGraph.

Part of the ont-app library, dedicated to Ontology-driven development.

Note: clojurescript implementation is not supported at this time.



Clojars Project

Require thus:

  [ont-app.rdf.core :as rdf-app]


There are numerous RDF-based platforms, each with its own idiosyncrasies, but there is also a significant overlap between the underlying logical structure of each RDF implementation. This library aims to capture that overlap, parameterized appropriately for implementation-specific variations.

This includes:

  • A multimethod render-literal, aimed at translating between Clojure data and data to be stored in an RDF store.
  • Support for language-tagged strings and tagged literals with the #voc/lstr and #voc/dstr reader macros defined in the vocabulary module.
  • Support for a ^^transit:json datatype tag, allowing for arbitrary Clojure content to be serialized/deserialized as strings in an RDF store.
  • SPARQL query templates and supporting code to query for the standard member access methods of the IGraph protocol.
  • Multi-methods for basic import/export of RDF-encoded data.

Supporting ontology

There is a small supporting ontology defined in ont-app.rdf.ont, which the namepace metadata of the core maps to. Its preferred prefix is rdf-app (since rdf is already spoken for with ont-app.vocabulary.rdf).

The preferred namespace URI is declared as "".

Among other things, it contains descriptions of various media types and formats.


URIs are integrated with the ont-app/vocabulary resource-type methods.

This resource-type context adds the following recognized resource-types to the types defined in ont-app/vocabulary:

Resource maps to resource type
java.lang.String :rdf-app/BnodeString
clojure.lang.Keyword :rdf-app/BnodeKwi :rdf-app/FileResource
  • :rdf-app/BnodeString a string which matches the bnode-name-re pattern, e.g. "_:yadda-yadda".
  • :rdf-app/BnodeKwi matches keywords interned in the rdf-app namespace with names matching bnode-name-re.
  • :rdf-app/FileResource is a URL naming a file resource, typically in a jar.
  • :rdf-app/WebResource is a URL naming a resource on the web, typically starting with http*.

Note that the name of a bnode will not survive round-tripping, so the primary use for this is usually to add triples with bnodes in them by hand in cases where bnodes are called for. There are times when the RDF standard requires you to use bnodes, but if not, why not just mint a proper URI/KWI?

The operative resource-type-context for this library is :ont-app.rdf.core/resource-type-context, derived from :ont-app.vocabulary.core/resource-type-context.


The render-literal multimethod

Each RDF-based implementation of IGraph will need to translate between Clojure data and RDF literals. These will include langage-tagged strings, xsd types for the usual scalar values, and possibly custom URI-tagged data. Sometimes the specific platform will already define its own intermediate data structures for such literals.

The render-literal multimethod exists to handle the task of translating from Clojure to RDF.

render-literal is dispatched by the function render-literal-dispatch, which takes as an argument a single literal, and returns a value expected to be fielded by some render-literal method keyed to that value.

There is a translate-literal method defined for :rdf-app/TransitData, discussed in more detail below. Otherwise render-literal is dispatched on the type of the argument.

Instances of DatatypeStr will be rendered as discussed below.

Integers and floats both derive from ::number, and will be rendered directly as they are in Clojure by default. Values unhandled by a specific method will be rendered by default as strings in quotes.

Instances of LangStr will be rendered as discussed below.

All of this behavior can be overridden with the @special-literal-dispatch atom discussed in the following section.


Often there is platform-specific behavior required for specific types of literals, for example Swirrl/grafter has its own way of handling xsd values.

There is an atom defined called special-literal-dispatch (defult nil) which if non-nil should be a function f [x] -> <dispatch-value>. Any non-nil dispatch value returned by this function will override the default behavior of render-literal-dispatch, and provide a dispatch value to which you may target the appropriate methods.

The igraph-grafter source has examples of this.

The read-literal multimethod

This method should translate an object in your RDF implementation into a value suitable for inclusion in an IGraph.

Its signature is [literal] -> graph-element.

It is typically dispatched on (type literal), but it may be overriden by @special-read-literal-dispatch).


This is basically the inverse or @special-render-literal-dispatch, allowing you to override the default of dispatching on type.

Language-tagged strings

This library imports 'ont-app.vocabulary.lstr', along with its #voc/lstr reader macro.

Such values will be dispatched on their type (ont_app.vocabulary.lstr.LangStr), and rendered as say "my English words"@en.

Datatype-tagged strings

This library imports ont-app.vocabulary.dstr along with its #voc/dstr reader macro.

This will allow you to use the voc/tag and voc/untag methods to assert typed literals with arbitrary datatype tags.

xsd values

Xsd types are tagged with the #voc/dstr tag, and will untag to reasonable clojure values.

You may want to use special-literal-dispatch and render-literal methods as appropriate for any specific RDF platform to override this behavior.

The existing sparql-client and igraph-grafter implementations should serve as instructive examples.

Transit-encoded values

Of course some values such as the standard Clojure containers, and user-defined records and datatypes are not handled by the xsd standard.

This library supports storing such literals in serialized form using a ^^transit.json datatype URI tag.

> (rdf-app/render-literal [1 2 3])
"\"[1, 2, 3]\"^^transit:json"

> (rdf-app/read-transit-json "[1,2,3]")
[1 2 3]

> (defn round-trip "Returns `x` after converting it to a transit literal and re-parsing it"
    (as-> (rdf-app/render-literal x) 
        (re-matches rdf-app/transit-re it)
        (nth it 1)
        (rdf-app/read-transit-json it))
> (round-trip [1 2 3])
[1 2 3]

These values are encoded as #voc/dstr reader macros, using tag and untag methods:

> (voc/tag #{1 2 3} :transit/json)
#voc/dstr "[\"~#set\",[1,3,2]]^^transit:json"
> (voc/untag *1)
#{1 3 2}

The render-literal method keyed to :rdf/TransitData is the handler encoding data as transit. To use it, take the following steps:

  • As needed, add a transit read handler to transit-read-handlers.
    • Note in core.cljc that LangStr already has such such a handler
  • As needed, add a transit write handler to transit-write-handlers
    • Again, the LangStr record is already covered, and should serve as a good example.
  • Use derive to make the data type to be rendered a descendent of :rdf/TransitData. This will make this eligible for handling by that render-literal method.
    • e.g. (derive clojure.lang.PersistentVector :rdf/TransitData)
    • All the usual Clojure containers already have such derive declarations.
  • Transit rendering for any such type can be disabled using underive.

The datatype URI whose qname is transit:json expands to <>, based on the following declaration in ont-app.rdf.ont:

  :vann/preferredNamespacePrefix "transit"
  :vann/preferredNamespaceUri ""
  :dc/description "Functionality for the transit serialization format"
  :foaf/homepage ""

String utilities

Some convenience utilites of dealing with strings.


Adds string-escapes. If the string to be escaped itself contains quotes, triple single quotes will be used. Its inverse is unquote-str...

> (quote-str "yadda")
> (quote-str *1)
> (unquote-str *1)
> (unquote-str *1)


Saves a bit of trouble if you're running into newline-based parse errors:

> my-query
"\nSelect *\nWhere\n{\n  ?s ?p ?o.\n}\n"
> (remove-newlines my-query)
" Select * Where {   ?s ?p ?o. } "
(add my-graph [:myns/MyThing :myns/informedByQuery (remove-newlines my-query)])

Query templates supporting the IGraph member-access methods

It is expected that the basic IGraph member-access methods can be covered by a common set of SPARQL queries for most if not all RDF-based implementations.

For example, here is a template that should serve to acquire normal form of a given graph (modulo tractability):

(def normal-form-query-template
  Select ?s ?p ?o
    ?_s ?_p ?_o
    Bind ({{{rebind-_s}}} as ?s)
    Bind ({{{rebind-_p}}} as ?p)
    Bind ({{{rebind-_o}}} as ?o)

This template can be referenced by a function query-for-normal-form

> (query-for-normal-form <query-fn> <rdf-store>)
> (query-for-normal-form <graph-kwi> <query-fn> <rdf-store>)


  • graph-kwi is a KWI for the named graph URI. May also be a set of named graph URIs. (defaults to nil, indicating the DEFAULT graph).
  • query-fn is a platform-specific function to pose the rendered query template to rdf-store.
  • rdf-store is a platform-specific point of access to the RDF store, e.g. a database connection or SPARQL endpoint.

Analogous template/function ensembles are defined for:

  • query-for-subjects
  • query-for-p-o
  • query-for-o
  • ask-s-p-o

Wherever KWIs are involved, checks will be performed to flag warnings in cases where the metadata has not been properly specified for the implied namespace of the KWI.

Note that the query template above has clauses like:

    Bind ({{{rebind-_s}}} as ?s)

The purpose of this is to allow for rebinding of blank nodes to a platform-specific scheme that supports 'round-tripping' of blank nodes in subsequent queries to the same endpoint. The igraph-jena project provides a working example of this.

These templates should allow you to port the IGraph protocols to new platforms fairly quickly, but as your implementation matures you may find more efficient platform-specific equivalents.


There are multimethods defined to read RDF into a graph and to write it out in a specified format.

See the implementation of ont-app/igraph-jena for an implementation (v. 0.2.2 or later).

The context graph

Each of these methods takes a native-normal context graph as its first argument. See the docstrings of each of the i/o functions for the operative vocabularies.

As an example, here is the default 'starter' graph provided in rdf.core:

;; in ont-app-rdf.core

(def default-context
  "An atom containing a native-normal graph with default i/o context configurations.
  - NOTE: This would typically be the starting point for the i/o context of  individual
    - [:rdf-app/UrlCache :rdf-app/directory `URL cache directory`]
  (atom (-> (native-normal/make-graph)
            (igraph/add [[:rdf-app/UrlCache
                          :rdf-app/directory "/tmp/rdf-app/UrlCache"]

Note that it configures a default directory for caching imported web resources.

And here is the current context graph for igraph-jena:

;; in ont-app.igraph-jena.core

(defrecord JenaGraph ...)

(def standard-io-context
  (-> @rdf/default-context
      (igraph/add [[#'rdf/load-rdf
                    :rdf-app/hasGraphDispatch JenaGraph
                    :rdf-app/hasGraphDispatch JenaGraph
                    :rdf-app/hasGraphDispatch JenaGraph

Special dispatch KWIs

These keyword identifiers will be inferred automatically as dispatch values for to-load/to-read/to-write arguments:

  • :rdf-app/LocalFile for file in the local file system
  • :rdf-app/FileResource for a file bound to a URL such as a jar resource
  • :rdf-app/WebResource for a resource available through http. See also the discussion of the resource catalog below.

These can be overridden with e.g. (add <context> [#'rdf/load-rdf :rdf-app/toImportDisptachFn <dispatch-fn>]) (or :rdf-app/toExportDispatchFn for writes).

The resource catalog

The @resource-catalog is a native-normal graph containing descriptions of web resources that you may want to add or load, including their MIME types.

This graph is automatically populated from details included in the ont-app/vocabulary metadata.

You can add entries to it with the add-catalog-entry! function.

> (add-catalog-entry! <download-url> <namespace-uri> <prefix> <media-type>)

The media types align with other data included in the ont-app.rdf.ont module.

See the docstring for add-catalog-entry for details.


We can access media types associated with the suffix in a URL with infer-media-type...

> (rdf-app/infer-media-type ( "file:///tmp/my-file.tsv"))

This is informed by the ontology in ont-app.rdf.ont, containing descriptions using the vocabulary to describe instances of .

You can add your own media types with ont-app.rdf-ont/add-media-type!, for which see the docstring.


There are two methods for input, load-rdf, which translates a file or URL into a new graph, and read-rdf which adds a file or URL to an existing graph.


> (rdf/load-rdf <context> <to-load>) -> g

It is dispatched by the function load-rdf-dispatch -> [graph-dispatch to-load-dispatch]

  • graph-dispatch is typically the class name of the record implementing IGraph. It is specified by the triple [#'load-rdf :rdf-app/hasGraphDispatch <graph-dispatch>] in the context graph.

  • to-load-dispatch will typically be one of the special dispatch KWIs described in the section above, defaulting to the type of to-load


> (rdf/read-rdf <context> <g> <to-load>) -> g

It is dispatched by the function read-rdf-dispatch -> `[graph-dispatch to-load-dispatch]``

  • graph-dispatch is typically the class name of the record implementing IGraph. It is specified by the triple [#'read-rdf :rdf-app/hasGraphDispatch <graph-dispatch>] in the context graph.

  • to-load-dispatch will typically be one of the special dispatch KWIs described in the section above, defaulting to the type of to-load


It may be the case that you want to retrieve a resource and cache it locally.

Such files will be cached in the directory specified in your i/o context per (unique (<context> :rdf-lib/UrlCache :rdf-lib/directory)).

Dispatch on :rdf-app/CachedResource

Both load-rdf and read-rdf have methods dispatched on :rdf-app/CachedResource.

> (derive <my-graph-implementation> :rdf-app/IGraph)
> (derive :rdf-app/WebResource :rdf-app/CachedResource)
> (def g (load-rdf <http://path/to/resource>))

This will cache the resource as a local file and be imported into your graph with your method to load/read local files.


If the contents at some URL have changed since being cached, you may clear the cache as follows:

With only the i/o context provided, the entire cache will be cleared:

> (clear-url-cache! <context>)

Additional arguments should be URLs, and will clear any cached files associated with each such URL:

> (clear-url-cache! <context> ( ""))


There is one method to export data. It is also informed by the context graph, and dispatches in the same way as the input methods, but output formats are informed by KWIs mapped to values descibed in , and derived from :dct/MediaTypeOrExtent.


> (rdf/write-rdf <context> <g> <target> <fmt>) 

This is dispatched on the function write-rdf-dispatch -> [graph-dispatch to-write-dispatch fmt]

  • graph-dispatch and to-write-dispatch are pretty much as above.
  • fmt passed through directly, and is typically one one of the format KWIs declared in ont.cljc, e.g. :formats/Turtle or :formats/JSON-LD. Again, see .

Test support

The ont-app.rdf.test-support module builds on the igraph test-support regime.

This is probably best described by an example taken from the test module for ont-app/igraph-jena:

(ns ont-app.igraph-jena.core-test
    [ont-app.igraph-jena.core :as core]
    [ont-app.igraph.test-support :as test-support]
    [ont-app.rdf.test-support :as rdf-test]
(def rdf-test-report (atom nil))

(defn init-rdf-report
  (let [call-write-method (fn call-write-method [g ttl-file]
  (-> (native-normal/make-graph)
      (add [:rdf-app/RDFImplementationReport
            :rdf-app/makeGraphFn core/make-jena-graph
            :rdf-app/loadFileFn core/load-rdf
            :rdf-app/readFileFn core/read-rdf
            :rdf-app/writeFileFn call-write-method

(defn do-rdf-implementation-tests
  (reset! rdf-test-report (init-rdf-report))
  (-> rdf-test-report

(deftest rdf-implementation-tests
  (let [report (do-rdf-implementation-tests)]
    (is (empty? (test-support/query-for-failures @report)))))

This logic will create an atom to contain a native-normal report graph, and after being intialized with implementation-specific details a battery of tests will be run, populating the graph with descriptions of those tests' outcomes. Bad outcomes are flagged as failures, which can be queried for in the report graph. Empty results for query-for-failures indicates a passing test.


Functions in this module are logged with the graph-log logging library, which in addition to doing standard logging records various execution events at log levels :glog/TRACE and :glog/DEBUG.

This can be enabled thus:

(require [ont-app.graph-log.core :as glog])

> (glog/set-level! :glog/LogGraph :glog/TRACE)
> (glog/entries)
[<entry 0>
 <entry n>

See the graph-log documentation for details.


Copyright © 2020-23 Eric D. Scott

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at

Natural Lexicon logo

Natural Lexicon logo - Copyright © 2020 Eric D. Scott. Artwork by Athena M. Scott.

Released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Under the terms of this license, if you display this logo or derivates thereof, you must include an attribution to the original source, with a link to, or


A backstop for shared logic between rdf-based implementations of IGraph.







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