How to make data-driven decisions to prioritise and operationalise your Jamf deployment.
There is plenty of existing documentation for this, see below.
We had to use the URL format
The suggested one
never worked
Format the Header Authentication like this {"Authorization":"Splunk 2f75XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX9e68"}
Use this script to export all the policies name and IDs
NOTE: Index and source name may vary in your environment.
Timechart of all different versions over time
index="jamf" computerOS.version=*
| timechart span=1d dc( as version by computerOS.version
Refine by merging all Ventura and Monterey versions
index="jamf" computerOS.version=12.* | timechart span=1d dc( as Monterey
| appendcols
[search index="jamf" computerOS.version=13.* | timechart span=1d dc( as Ventura | fields Ventura]
Smart group allows you to report in splunk on atributes that might not be collected by the add-in or webhooks like EDR status. If you can create a jamf smart group, splunk can report on it.
index="jamf" groupMembership.groupId=820
| timechart span=24h dc( as Total
API monitoring is great feature of wehbooks, it can’t be done from anywhere else.
index="jamf" source="http:jamf_webhook" "webhook.webhookEvent"=RestAPIOperation
| stats count by event.authorizedUsername, event.restAPIOperationType, event.objectTypeName
As we have imported the policies' names we can now use wildcards to find things like the total of successful patches.
index="jamf" source="http:jamf_webhook" policyName="Patch -*" event.successful="true" | stats count
index="jamf" source="http:jamf_webhook" "webhook.webhookEvent"=DeviceAddedToDEP
index="jamf" source="http:jamf_webhook" "webhook.webhookEvent"=RestAPIOperation
| search "event.restAPIOperationType"=PUT OR "event.restAPIOperationType"=POST
index="jamf" source="http:jamf_webhook"
| eventstats count(eval('event.successful'=="true")) as "POL_Success" by policyName
| eventstats count(eval('event.successful'=="false")) as "POL_Failure" by policyName
| eval POL_Percent=round(POL_Failure/POL_Success*100,2)
| eventstats avg("POL_Percent") by policyName
| search POL_Percent > 4