Open-Dash Node.js core
Open-Dash Node.js Install Instructions
Prerequisites: -Install Git (or download git zip file and expand) -Install Node.js -Install the Open-Dash SmartApp API and remember to enable oauth, get TOKEN and API URL
If Installing on a Raspberry Pi 2/3 Raspberry Pi / Rasbian ships with an old version of node. sudo su apt-get update apt-get upgrade
apt-get remove node
curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
apt-get autoremove
Create Folder on OS you want to run from
Command Line / Terminal "git clone"
change into folder "open-dash-diy"
Install node_modules via npm for Open-Dash run "npm install"
Create Data Folder and JSON Files for Project run "node install.js"
If upgrading, run "node upgrade.js" Run Open-Dash "node index.js"
Open Browser to "http://localhost:3000"
Go To Settings
Insert your Client ID and Client Secret from the SmartApp Install Process
Click Save
Connect with SmartThings and authorize devices.
After completing the oauth2 process, you should see weather start to populate upper right near menu. If so, you are connected to SmartThings Open-Dash API SmartApp
Go To Menu -> SmartThings
Click "Get Devices From SmartThings"
After a few seconds, should populate the table with all your subscribed to devices
Click "Save Devices" to save them to the local JSON file
Repeat for each tab.
Go to Menu -> Dashboards
Create new dashboard
Type in a Name and Click Add
Click on Newly created dashboard
Click "edit" next to Dashboard Name in Header
Select devices to add to Dashboard
Click add Devices
click Edit next to a device to change the template, order, name or enable/disable it
View Dashboard by clicking the dashboard name next to "edit"
All devices right now come in with the default template that just shows all attributes and their values. Go back into the edit screen and edit each device to pick the right template for the type of device.
From there you can edit Styles and Templates or import/export them.
Customize to your delight and enjoy!
Submit bugs, issues and feature requests on the github repo "Issues" area.