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I have described all problems, which I have recognized, in file PROBLEMS.TXT. Additionally PROBLEMS.TXT contains a few email discussions as well. The subdirectories contain Java files ported from C files from the "ompi-ibm-10.0" regression test package. The formatting of the code is mainly the same as in the original files. A Java file needs additional work, if it is stored in subdirectory "todo" (e.g., if the Java interface for a C function wasn't available or didn't match, so that I couldn't finish my work (cannot be ported at the moment) or I didn't even start my work (todo)). All test programs of a subdirectory can be compiled and run via the shell script "make_<subdirectory name>". This script will run the programs first with two processes and then with four processes on the local machine. It is possible to add options to "mpiexec" for the second run via the command line, e.g. ./make_pt2pt -np 6 -host host1,host2,host3 would first run all programs with two processes on the local machine and then with six processes on the specified three host machines. ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- Some things to remember ======================= The Java API throws exceptions, if you specify MPI.COMM_WORLD.setErrhandler(MPI.ERRORS_RETURN); If you add this statement to your program, it will show the line where it breaks, instead of just crashing in case of an error. ------------------ "Datatype.Vector" needs a matrix in a contiguous memory area (September 2013). Unfortunately Java stores a 2-dimensional array as array of arrays (one 1-dimensional array for each row and another 1-dimensional array for the object IDs of the rows), i.e., each 1-dimensional array is stored in a contiguous memory area, but the whole matrix isn't stored in a contiguous memory area. Therefore it is necessary to simulates a multi-dimensional array in an 1-dimensional array and to compute all indices manually at the moment. ------------------ Java doesn't support addresses so that you must use an array with just one element instead of a simple variable, if the variable is used as a buffer in send/receive/bcast/... operations. ------------------ All non-blocking methods must use direct buffers and only blocking methods can use arrays or direct buffers. ------------------ The Java API for Open MPI doesn't provide parameters for the size of arrays. It uses "length" to determine the number of entries of an array, so that you always must use buffers with the correct size or you must copy the relevant contents of a larger buffer. status = Request.waitAnyStatus(req); status = Request.waitAnyStatus(Arrays.copyOf(req, numTasks)); ------------------ The Java API doesn't support "MPI_STATUS_IGNORE" or "MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE" in the same way as C. Sometimes you must use different methods and sometimes the methods have even different names, if a MPI name collides with a Java name, e.g., wait(). with "status": C: MPI_Request msgid; MPI_Status status; MPI_Wait(&msgid, &status); MPI_Recv(data, 5, MPI_BYTE, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); Java: Request msgid; Status status; status = msgid.waitStatus(); msgid.free(); status = MPI.COMM_WORLD.recv(data, 5, MPI.BYTE, 0, 1); with "MPI_STATUS_IGNORE" C: MPI_Request request; MPI_Wait(&request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); MPI_Recv(NULL, 0, MPI_BYTE, 1-myid, 343, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); Java: Request request; request.waitFor(); request.free(); MPI.COMM_WORLD.recv(null, 0, MPI.BYTE, 1-myid, 343); ------------------ MPI objects will not automatically garbage collected, so that you must explicitly free every new object, i.e., you can have many calls of "request.free()" in one program, if you read for example different values in one program. ... Request request; ... request = MPI.COMM_WORLD.iReduce(fcIn, fcOut, 1, MPI.FLOAT_COMPLEX, MPI.SUM, 0); request.waitFor(); request.free(); ... request = MPI.COMM_WORLD.iReduce(dcIn, dcOut, 1, MPI.DOUBLE_COMPLEX, MPI.SUM, 0); request.waitFor(); request.free(); ... You must free objects of the following classes: Comm, Intracomm, Intercomm, CartComm, GraphComm Datatype Group Info Op Request, Prequest Win ------------------ The methods of the Java API have only one return value, so that sometimes a parameter isn't available, e.g., "flag". C: int flag = 0; MPI_Request msgid; MPI_Status status; MPI_Irecv(&inmsg, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &msgid); while (flag == 0) { MPI_Test(&msgid, &flag, &status); } Java: Request msgid; Status status = null; msgid = MPI.COMM_WORLD.iRecv(inmsg, 1, MPI.INT, MPI.ANY_SOURCE, MPI.ANY_TAG); while(status == null) { status = msgid.testStatus(); } ------------------ The methods of the Java API have only one return value, so that you get some values in a different way. C: int index; MPI_Request req[2000]; MPI_Status status; MPI_Waitany(tasks, req, &index, &status); Java: int index; Request req[] = new Request[2000]; Status status; status = Request.waitAnyStatus(Arrays.copyOf(req, tasks)); index = status.getIndex(); C: int tasks, outcount, index[2000]; MPI_Request req[2000]; MPI_Status statuses[2000]; MPI_Waitsome(tasks, req, &outcount, index, statuses); Java: int tasks, outcount, index[]; Request req = new Request[2000]; Status statuses[]; statuses = Request.waitSomeStatus(Arrays.copyOf(req, tasks)); outcount = statuses.length; index = new int[outcount]; for (int i = 0; i < outcount; ++i) { index[i] = statuses[i].getIndex(); } You know which requests completed in "waitSomeStatus()" or "testSomeStatus()", if you use method "isNull()", which returns "true", if a request completed, e.g., req[statuses[i].getIndex()].isNull() ------------------ The methods of the Java API have only one return value, so that you must sometimes call some methods instead of just one. C: long lb, extent; MPI_Type_get_extent (MPI_DOUBLE, &lb, &extent); Java: int lb, extent; lb = MPI.DOUBLE.getLb(); extent = MPI.DOUBLE.getExtent(); The results are different, because in Java an "offset" in an array or an "extent" of a datatype is the number of basic type units and not the number of bytes as in C! Exception: createHVector(), createHIndexed(), and createStruct() use a byte displacement. mpiexec -np 1 size_extent MPI_DOUBLE: lower bound: 0 extent: 8 (8 bytes) mpiexec -np 1 java SizeExtent MPI.DOUBLE: lower bound: 0 extent: 1 (1 double) ------------------ The Java API supports MPI_IN_PLACE. Most functions have the same interface in root and non-root processes. The exceptions are "scatterv()" and "gatherv()". You must call these functions in the root process: void gatherv(Object recvbuf, int[] recvcount, int[] displs, Datatype recvtype, int root) void scatterv(Object sendbuf, int[] sendcount, int[] displs, Datatype sendtype, int root) And you must call these functions in non-root processes: void gatherv(Object sendbuf, int sendcount, Datatype sendtype, int root) void scatterv(Object recvbuf, int recvcount, Datatype recvtype, int root) The reason for the different implementation is, that it is weird to pass "dummy parameters" in Java. Dummy parameters make only sense in C, because you cannot overload functions in C. ------------------ Sometimes it is not allowed use "null" for an array of length zero (would result in a segmentation fault). MPI_Testall(0, req, &flag, statuses); would became status = Request.testAllStatus(new Request[0]); ------------------ The Java API supports direct buffers, e.g., ByteBuffer s_buf = MPI.newByteBuffer(MYBUFSIZE), r_buf = MPI.newByteBuffer(MYBUFSIZE); MPI.COMM_WORLD.send(s_buf, size, MPI.BYTE, 1, 1); MPI.COMM_WORLD.recv(r_buf, size, MPI.BYTE, 1, 1); Direct buffers are available for: BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, INT, LONG, FLOAT, and DOUBLE. There is no direct buffer for booleans. You can create direct buffers with static methods of MPI class: new[Type]Buffer You can access elemenets of the buffer with the methods "put()" and "get()", and you can get the number of elements in the buffer with the method "capacity()". Direct buffers aren't a replacement for arrays, because they have higher allocation and deallocation costs than arrays. In some cases arrays will be a better choice. You can easily convert a buffer into an array and vice versa, e.g.: If the buffer is non-direct you can wrap an array: // Convert an int array into IntBuffer int[] array = new int[...]; IntBuffer buf = IntBuffer.wrap(array); // Convert an int buffer into int array int[] array = buf.array(); If the buffer is direct you must do a memory copy: int[] array = new int[...]; IntBuffer buf = MPI.newIntBuffer(...); // Copy an int array to an IntBuffer buf.position(0); buf.put(array); // Copy an int buffer to an int array IntBuffer buf = MPI.newIntBuffer(...); buf.position(0); buf.get(array); ------------------ Class "Struct" emulates C structs. The definition of a structure needs two subclasses of "Struct" and "Struct.Data". Class "Struct" defines the data type and class "Data" allows access to the data stored in a buffer. A data object acts as a reference to a buffer region. It is necessary to use byte arrays or direct byte buffers, if you use structures. Byte arrays are inefficient, because the data must be serialized. On the other hand they can be easily collected by the garbage collector. Direct byte buffers are very efficient, but the garbage collector cannot easily collect them. Therefore, in some cases it could be convenient to use byte arrays instead of direct byte buffers. That is the reason for supporting both buffer types. Calling "getType()" of a struct object returns the Datatype, so that it is not necessary to call "createStruct()". You can use this datatype for example in "createContiguous()". A structure datatype is also already committed. Datatype newtype1, newtype2, shortint; ... TShortInt tShortInt = new TShortInt(); shortint = tShortInt.getType(); newtype1 = Datatype.createContiguous(2, shortint); TStruct2 tStruct2 = new TStruct2(newtype1, shortint); newtype2 = tStruct2.getType(); ... private static class TStruct2 extends Struct { private final Datatype type1, shortint; private final int fi, ft1, fsi; // aob3[0] = 2; // blocklength // aod3[0] = 0; // displacement // aot3[0] = MPI.INT; // datatype // aob3[1] = 1; // aod3[1] = 16; // aot3[1] = newtype1; // aob3[2] = 2; // aod3[2] = 64; // aot3[2] = shortint; private TStruct2(Datatype type1, Datatype shortint) throws MPIException { this.type1 = type1; this.shortint = shortint; fi = addInt(2); ft1 = setOffset(16).addData(type1); fsi = setOffset(64).addData(shortint, 2); } @Override protected Data newData() { return new Data(); } private class Data extends Struct.Data { //These methods are not needed but show how to access to data. public ByteBuffer getData1() { return getBuffer(type1, ft1); } public ByteBuffer getDataSI() { return getBuffer(shortint, fsi); } public int getIntField(int i) { return getInt(fi, i); } public short getShortField() { return getShort(fsi); } public void putIntField(int i, int v) { putInt(fi, i, v); } public void putShortField(short v) { putShort(fsi, v); } } // Data } // TStruct2 ------------------ The following datatypes are available, which you can use with MINLOC and MAXLOC. Java Type C Type ----------------------------- MPI.INT2 MPI_2INT MPI.SHORT_INT MPI_SHORT_INT MPI.LONG_INT MPI_LONG_INT MPI.FLOAT_INT MPI_FLOAT_INT MPI.DOUBLE_INT DOUBLE_INT MPI.INT2 was already in the mpiJava API. The other types are structures (although they use the C data type). The current implementation will only work, if the C types have these sizes: short 16 bits int 32 bits long 64 bits The data type MPI.INT is MPI_INT32_T, and MPI.LONG is MPI_INT64_T, so they are ok. ------------------ Sometimes you use "&array[i]" to send data starting at an offset in your buffer. In that case you can "slice()" the buffer to start at an offset. Making a "slice()" on a buffer is only necessary, when the offset is not zero. import static mpi.MPI.slice; ... int numbers[] = new int[SIZE]; ... MPI.COMM_WORLD.send(slice(numbers, offset), count, MPI.INT, 1, 0); byte[] imessage = new byte[MSZ]; /* pack/unpack need byte buffer */ ByteBuffer omessage = MPI.newByteBuffer(MSZ), xmessage = MPI.newByteBuffer(MSZ); MPI.COMM_WORLD.pack(slice(omessage, MSZ/2), 2, newtype0, imessage, 0); MPI.COMM_WORLD.unpack(imessage, 0, slice(xmessage, MSZ/2), 2, newtype0); ------------------ The parameters "size" and "dispUnit" in the constructor of mpi.Win() must be specified as number of buffer elements and not as number of bytes! The buffer must be direct, because MPI needs a fixed memory address. If you use a non-direct buffer, the exception "IllegalArgumentException" will be thrown. ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- Status of the porting process ============================= subdirectory collective: ------------------------ It is not allowed to use "Op.java" for "op.c", because that would overwrite the original mpiJava class with the same name. Therefore I use OpTest.java. Allgather.java ok AllgatherInPlace.java ok Allgatherv.java ok AllgathervInPlace.java ok Allreduce.java ok AllreduceInPlace.java ok Alltoall.java ok Alltoallv.java ok Alltoallw.java cannot be ported, because MPI_Alltoallw() cannot be ported to Java Barrier.java ok Bcast.java ok BcastStruct.java cannot be ported at the moment Exscan.java ok ExscanInPlace.java ok Gather.java ok GatherInPlace.java ok Gatherv.java ok GathervInPlace.java ok Iallgather.java ok IallgatherInPlace.java ok Iallgatherv.java ok IallgathervInPlace.java ok Iallreduce.java ok IallreduceInPlace.java ok Ialltoall.java ok Ialltoallv.java ok Ibarrier.java ok Ibcast.java ok IbcastStruct.java cannot be ported at the moment Iexscan.java ok (breaks with internal MPI error) IexscanInPlace.java ok (breaks with internal MPI error) Igather.java ok IgatherInPlace.java ok Igatherv.java ok IgathervInPlace.java ok Ireduce.java ok IreduceBig.java ok IreduceComplexC.java ok IreduceInPlace.java ok IreduceLoc.java ok IreduceScatter.java ok IreduceScatterBlock.java ok IreduceScatterBlockInPlace.java ok IreduceScatterInPlace.java ok Iscan.java ok IscanInPlace.java ok Iscatter.java ok IscatterInPlace.java ok Iscatterv.java ok IscattervInPlace.java ok IstructGatherv.java cannot be ported at the moment OpTest.java ok Reduce.java ok ReduceBig.java ok ReduceComplexC.java ok ReduceInPlace.java ok ReduceLoc.java ok ReduceScatter.java ok ReduceScatterBlock.java ok ReduceScatterBlockInPlace.java ok ReduceScatterInPlace.java ok Scan.java ok ScanInPlace.java ok Scatter.java ok ScatterInPlace.java ok Scatterv.java ok ScattervInPlace.java ok StructGatherv.java cannot be ported at the moment subdirectory collective_intercomm: ---------------------------------- AllgatherInter.java ok AllreduceInter.java ok AlltoallInter.java ok AlltoallvInter.java ok AlltoallwInter.java cannot be ported, because MPI_Alltoallw() cannot be ported to Java BarrierInter.java ok BcastInter.java ok GatherInter.java ok ReduceInter.java ok ReduceScatterInter.java ok ReduceScatterInter2.java ok ScatterInter.java ok ScattervInter.java ok subdirectory communicator: -------------------------- It is not allowed to use "Intercomm.java" for "intercomm.c", because that would overwrite the original mpiJava class with the same name. Therefore I use InterComm.java. Attr.java ok Commdup.java ok Commfree.java ok Compare.java ok InterComm.java ok Mpisplit.java ok SelfAtexit.java cannot be ported at the moment subdirectory datatype: ---------------------- Bakstr.java ok Bottom.java cannot be ported at the moment Getel.java ok Lbub.java cannot be ported at the moment Lbub2.java cannot be ported at the moment Loop.java ok Paktest.java ok Pptransp.java ok Strangest1.java cannot be ported at the moment Structsr.java ok Structsr2.java ok Transp.java ok Transp2.java ok Transp3.java ok Transpa.java cannot be ported at the moment Zero1.java error: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Zero2.java error: SIGFPE Zero3.java cannot be ported at the moment Zero5.java cannot be ported at the moment Zero6.java cannot be ported at the moment subdirectory dynamic: --------------------- ClientServer.java ok CommJoin.java cannot be ported, because MPI_Comm_join() cannot be ported to Java LoopChild.java ok LoopSpawn.java ok NiceMsgs.java ok NoDisconnect.java ok Spawn.java ok SpawnMultiple.java ok subdirectory environment: ------------------------- Abort.java ok Attrs.java ok AttrsPrintValue.java ok Err.java cannot be ported at the moment Final.java ok Finalized.java ok Initialized.java ok InitThread.java ok InitThreadFunneled.java ok InitThreadMultiple.java ok InitThreadSerialized.java ok IsThrMain.java ok Pcontrol.java ok Procname.java ok QueryThread.java ok Wtime.java ok subdirectory group: ------------------- It is not allowed to use "Group.java" for "group.c", because that would overwrite the original mpiJava class with the same name. Therefore I use GroupTest.java. Compare.java ok Groupfree.java ok GroupTest.java ok Range.java ok subdirectory info: ------------------ Create00.java ok Delete20.java ok Get30.java ok GetValuelen40.java ok Getnkeys50.java ok InfoEnv60.java ok Set10.java ok subdirectory io: ---------------- FileStatusGetCount.java ok subdirectory onesided: ---------------------- CAccumulate.java ok CAccumulateAtomic.java ok CCreate.java ok CCreateDisp.java ok CCreateInfo.java ok CCreateInfoHalf.java ok CCreateNoFree.java ok CCreateSize.java ok CFenceAsserts.java ok CFencePut1.java ok CFenceSimple.java ok CGet.java ok CGetBig.java ok CLockIllegal.java ok CPut.java ok CPutBig.java ok CWinAttr.java ok CWinErrhandler.java ok subdirectory pt2pt: ------------------- Allocmem.java cannot be ported, because MPI_Alloc_mem and MPI_Free_mem cannot be ported Bsend.java ok BsendFree.java ok Buffer.java cannot be ported at the moment Free.java ok Getcount.java ok (without "unsigned", which isn't available in Java) Improbe.java ok Interf.java ok Iprobe.java ok Isend.java ok Mprobe.java ok MprobeMpich.java ok Probe.java ok Rsend.java ok Rsend2.java ok Send.java ok Send2.java ok Sendrecv.java ok SendrecvRep.java ok Seq.java ok Ssend.java ok Start.java ok Startall.java ok Test1.java ok Test2.java ok Test3.java ok Testall.java ok Testany.java ok Testsome.java ok Waitall.java ok Waitany.java ok Waitnull.java ok Waitsome.java ok Wildcard.java ok subdirectory random: -------------------- AllocMem.java cannot be ported, because MPI_Alloc_mem and MPI_Free_mem cannot be ported AttrErrorCode.java ok OmpiAffinityStr.java cannot be ported at the moment OpCommutative.java ok ReduceLocal.java ok RingMmap.java cannot be ported, because I don't know how to do "sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)", etc. in Java Ticket_1944_BcastLoop.java ok Ticket_1944_Test4.java ok Ticket_1984_Littlehang.java ok Ticket_2014_BasicSendRecv.java ok subdirectory topology: ---------------------- Cart.java ok Dimscreate.java ok Distgraph1.java ok Graph.java ok Sub.java ok Sub2.java ok
Some tests / examples for Open MPI's Java MPI bindings
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