Check the v0.98.0 contrib changelog and the v0.98.0 core changelog for changelogs on specific components.
- 9e20bf5 Release v0.98.0 (#523)
- cc6bd2d Add a Kubernetes Distribution (#507)
- 82f01d1 Bump github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser from 1.24.0 to 1.25.1 (#520)
- f56c036 Add nop components to core and contrib (#519)
- 8444beb [chore] Fix Makefile (#517)
- 11d21b5 add grafanacloud connector to contrib release (#516)
- 17d222d Add exceptionsconnector (#515)
- 2688cb3 Bump anchore/sbom-action from 0.15.9 to 0.15.10 (#514)
- bfc3c29 [chore] bump alpine version to 3.19 (#513)