Releases: openWB/openwb-ui-settings
Releases · openWB/openwb-ui-settings
Beta 1
What's Changed
- rename topics by @benderl in #63
- fix topic counter/x/config/max_currents by @benderl in #64
- add module state to status page by @benderl in #65
- add log files on debugging page by @benderl in #66
- change counter component filter to "includes" by @benderl in #67
- small fixes by @benderl in #68
- minor fixes by @benderl in #69
- update dependencies by @benderl in #70
- add state_str to counters in status by @benderl in #71
- update dependencies by @benderl in #72
- add device/component config by @benderl in #73
- add more device and component config pages by @benderl in #74
- add more device and component configuration pages by @benderl in #76
- beginning of graph pages by @benderl in #77
- charge log and daily graph update by @benderl in #78
- change hierarchy display to new format by @benderl in #80
- major update by @benderl in #82
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.7 to 1.14.9 by @dependabot in #83
- Bump url-parse from 1.5.3 to 1.5.10 by @dependabot in #81
- updated package-lock after npm install by @benderl in #84
- chargelog by @benderl in #85
- fix build commands after vue-cli upgrade by @benderl in #86
- add charge log totals by @benderl in #87
- charge log by @benderl in #88
- system handling by @benderl in #89
- fix update by @benderl in #90
- fix http component inputs by @benderl in #91
- fix browser cache in dev builds by @benderl in #92
- add cp interruption duration by @benderl in #93
- add update.log to debug page by @benderl in #94
- bugfix by @benderl in #95
- prepare vehicle soc modules by @benderl in #96
- vehicle soc configuration by @benderl in #98
- updated dependencies by @benderl in #100
- fix naming mqtt bridge username by @LKuemmel in #99
- fix typos by @benderl in #101
- updated dependency: axios by @benderl in #102
- add chargelog export as csv by @benderl in #103
- daily graph by @benderl in #104
- add daily graph labels by @benderl in #106
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 by @dependabot in #97
- Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 by @dependabot in #105
- updated dependencies by @benderl in #109
- phase switch delay by @LKuemmel in #111
- energy amount limit for scheduled charging by @LKuemmel in #110
- Import export for cp counter by @LKuemmel in #108
- separate settings for prevent phase switch and charge stop by @LKuemmel in #107
- setting for max ac out by @LKuemmel in #112
- update daily chart by @benderl in #113
- charge log fixes by @benderl in #114
- update data protection by @benderl in #115
- update data protection by @benderl in #116
- updated dependencies by @benderl in #117
- fix spelling and typos by @benderl in #118
- first monthly chart by @benderl in #119
- updated device and component config pages by @benderl in #120
- Dev by @benderl in #121
- chart totals by @benderl in #122
- openwb kit configuration by @benderl in #123
- updated dependencies by @benderl in #124
- small ui fixes by @benderl in #125
- use url for json and http by @LKuemmel in #126
- update json/http config modules by @benderl in #127
- updated dependencies by @benderl in #129
- Bump eventsource from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 by @dependabot in #128
- updated package-lock by @benderl in #130
- hide spinners on disabled number input elements by @benderl in #131
- charge point configuration by @benderl in #132
- updated charts by @benderl in #133
- adopt charts to new data format by @benderl in #134
- Unify names by @LKuemmel in #137
- Status.vue :: Counter missing by @MadMax219 in #138
- OpenwbBaseTextInput.vue :: Einheit bei OpenwbBaseTeytInput mit ausgeben (Statusseite bei den JSON-Feldern) by @MadMax219 in #135
- fix status counters by @benderl in #139
- Dev by @benderl in #140
- change W-> kW and Wh-> kWh for status and charts by @benderl in #141
- Support secure websocket connection by @benderl in #142
- fix status if values are missing by @benderl in #143
- secure websocket over https by @benderl in #144
- fix websocket endpoint by @benderl in #145
- fix mqtt inverter topic description by @benderl in #146
- add version info by @benderl in #147
- messaging system by @benderl in #148
- add phases_in_use to mqtt chargepoint by @LKuemmel in #149
- Dev by @benderl in #151
- mqtt websocket over http by @benderl in #152
- fix mqtt endpoint by @benderl in #153
- really fix websocket connection by @benderl in #155
- fix chargelog costs by @LKuemmel in #154
- rename dev server websocket endpoint by @benderl in #157
- port and modbus id for sungrow by @LKuemmel in #156
- fix sorting of date-time fields in charge log view by @benderl in #158
- charge template fixes by @benderl in #159
- tesla and sungrow updates by @benderl in #160
- add acknowledgw button to system view by @benderl in #161
- Soc Log by @LKuemmel in #162
- updated dependencies by @benderl in #163
- Dev by @benderl in #164
- updated dependencies by @benderl in #165
- change missed Wh to kWh by @benderl in #168
- separate normal update and branch/tag switch by @benderl in
Alpha 1+
Initial setup
0.0.1 Create node.js.yml