Releases: openedx/edx-rbac
Upgraded requirements
django-model-utils was pinned to <=3.2.0 to maintain compatibility with Django <=2.0
Updated utils for users with multiple contexts
Util functions to create authorization claims and role based access verification are updated to incorporate users with multiple contexts.
Use functools.wraps to prevent the decorator from swallowing the view name
This should be useful for integrating with New Relic in the case where there are multiple endpoints within a viewset, such that each name of the endpoint gets bubbled up to New Relic. Previously, all endpoints of a viewset were falling under "wrapped_view"
store current request on thread local storage using crum
edx-drf-extensions version upgrade.
This release updates edx-drf-extensions version
. The new version of edx-drf-extensions
contains these updates.
Removed `get_request_or_stub` and `get_decoded_jwt_from_request` from
Removed get_request_or_stub
and get_decoded_jwt_from_request
Upgraded edx-drf-extensions version
Upgraded edx-drf-extensions version
Refactor implicit permission and role retrieval
Check for JWT presence in implicit permission.
Refactor role retrieval to remove the dependency on django models for assigning roles.
Get JWT token from request.auth if it is not set on the cookie.
Merge pull request #17 from edx/bexline/add_request_auth
Update context checks for implicit and explicit access for all resources access.