Releases: openeuropa/oe_theme
Releases · openeuropa/oe_theme
Merged pull requests:
- EWPP-5104: Update to ECL 4.10.0. #1539 (22Alexandra)
EWPP-5104: Update to ECL 4.10.0.
EWPP-5104: Update to ECL 4.10.0.
Merged pull requests:
- EWPP-4872: Update to ECL 4.9.0. #1534 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-4998: Remove is_current flag of navigation_menu's mega_menu variant. #1533 (22Alexandra)
- Release 4.2.1 #1531 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-4957: Add missing Non-EU Member states to flag options. #1528 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-4935: Add animation field to Text with featured media pattern. #1527 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-4888: Fix typo in a label in French. #1526 (fmmribeiro)
- EWPP-4830: Add ecl class to paragraphs and patterns heading so ECL default styling is applied. #1521 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-4835: Flush cache for oe_theme_publication_thumbnail image style after it has been updated. #1519 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-4810: Add the ECL optional ETR styles to available libraries. #1516 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-4321: Ensure oe_theme favicons are used if the subtheme is configured to use them and doesn't provide them. #1492 (22Alexandra)
EWPP-4872: Remove Japanese logo mapping.
Merge pull request #1492 from openeuropa/EWPP-4321 EWPP-4321: Ensure oe_theme favicons are used if the subtheme is configured to use them and doesn't provide them.
Merged pull requests:
- EWPP-4969: Skip gallery items without available thumbnail. #1529 (22Alexandra)
Merged pull requests:
- EWPP-4881: Update to ECL 4.7.2. #1523 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-4849: Add picture_zoom option to list_item, featured_item and gallery patterns. #1518 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-4791: Fix MediaDataExtractor Thumbnail to return a relative URL of a local file. #1514 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-4730: Add separator component for oe_theme. #1512 (sergepavle)
- EWPP-4796: Fix unit test regarding gallery item value object and TwigExtensionTest::testSmartTrimFilter. Fix phpunit extention class \Drupal\Tests\oe_theme\EnsurePHPUnitBatchingTestExtension. #1511 (sergepavle)
- EWPP-4793: Update to ECL 4.7.0. #1510 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-4785: Add grid_template field to gallery pattern. #1509 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-4782: Add translations for non-eu languages. #1508 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-4701: Contextual links on highighted lists. #1507 (upchuk)
- Merge release-4.0.1 to 4.x. #1506 (nagyad)
- EWPP-4758: Use display block instead of inline-block for media container custom ratio class. #1505 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-4750: Add extra_attributes to patterns used to render node templates. #1502 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-4705: Add font_size field to Facts and figures pattern. #1499 (22Alexandra)
EWPP-4730: Improve ensure of PHPUnit batching.