* Fixed a bug that was preventing the configured schedule from displaying when editing a monitor that was created through backend commands. Added cypress tests to verify fix. (#197)
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Fixed bugs associated with alerts table, and addressed UX review feedback. (#222)
* Removed unsupported prop from EuiGrid.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Increased limit of doc level trigger conditions.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Refactored empty dashboard button based on UX feedback.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Refactored query performance text based on UX feedback.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Refactored logic to apply default sortField value for the getAlerts API.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Refactored logic to apply default sortField value for the getFindings API.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Refactored alerts table to display finding doc IDs. Fixed a bug that was preventing the alerts flyout table from refreshing after acknowledging alerts. Removed edit monitor button from alerts table on monitor details page. Fixed a bug that was causing the monitor create/update page to crash when changing from extraction editor to visual editor. Refactored position of finding flyout. Fixed a bug that was preventing sorting and pagination of the findings table. Repurposed QueryPopover to FindingsPopover, and added support for displaying doc IDs using the popover. Removed parentheses from the trigger condition sent to backend. Added validation for queries defined using the visual editor.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Updated snapshots, and implemented fix for a unit test.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Added document column to alerts dashboard for doc level monitors. Adjusted alerts dashboard configuration to remove unused alert states for doc level monitors. Refactored style of alerts flyout based on UX feedback. (#223)
* Removed unsupported prop from EuiGrid.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Increased limit of doc level trigger conditions.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Refactored empty dashboard button based on UX feedback.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Refactored query performance text based on UX feedback.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Refactored logic to apply default sortField value for the getAlerts API.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Refactored logic to apply default sortField value for the getFindings API.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Refactored alerts table to display finding doc IDs. Fixed a bug that was preventing the alerts flyout table from refreshing after acknowledging alerts. Removed edit monitor button from alerts table on monitor details page. Fixed a bug that was causing the monitor create/update page to crash when changing from extraction editor to visual editor. Refactored position of finding flyout. Fixed a bug that was preventing sorting and pagination of the findings table. Repurposed QueryPopover to FindingsPopover, and added support for displaying doc IDs using the popover. Removed parentheses from the trigger condition sent to backend. Added validation for queries defined using the visual editor.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Updated snapshots, and implemented fix for a unit test.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Added document column to alerts dashboard for doc level monitors. Adjusted alerts dashboard configuration to remove unused alert states for doc level monitors. Refactored style of alerts flyout based on UX feedback.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>
* Updated snapshot.
Signed-off-by: AWSHurneyt <[email protected]>