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pstaabp committed Jul 18, 2023
1 parent 5f5b815 commit 1775178
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Showing 18 changed files with 748 additions and 12 deletions.
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions tutorial/sample-problems/Algebra/
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@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
## Factored polynomial

## DBsubject(WeBWorK)
## DBchapter(WeBWorK tutorial)
## DBsection(PGML tutorial 2015)
## Date(06/01/2015)
## Institution(Hope College)
## Author(Paul Pearson)
## Static(1)
## MO(1)
## KEYWORDS('algebra', 'factored polynomial')

#:% name = Simple factoring
#:% type = Sample
#:% subject = [algebra, precalculus]
#:% categories = [polynomial]
#:% see_also = [,,]

#:% section = preamble

loadMacros('', '', '');
#:% section = setup
#: First, we create two random roots and then create the factors. Note:
#: the `->reduce` will help make `x-(-3)` into `x+3`. In addition, we
#: create the expanded form of the quadratic.
#: Note that the argument of the List call are the objects in the list,
#: which can be any MathObjects. Here we create a list of Formulas and a list
#: of Reals (the numbers that we use in the second list will be promoted to
#: Real MathObjects when the List is created).
#: If, for example, there were no real roots, we should set
#: `$roots = List("NONE");` so that students who enter a list of roots will not
#: receive an error message about entering the wrong type of answer. If we were
#: to use `$roots = String("NONE");` instead, students who enter anything
#: other than a string (e.g., a list of numbers) will receive an error message.
#: Similarly, if there were only one root at x=4, we would use
#: `$roots = List(4);` instead of $roots = Real(4); to avoid sending error
#: messages to students who enter multiple answers or NONE.
($x0, $x1) = (non_zero_random(-6, 6), non_zero_random(-6, 6));
$factor1 = Compute("x-$x0")->reduce;
$factor2 = Compute("x-$x1")->reduce;
$f = Compute("x^2-($x0+$x1)x+$x0*$x1")->reduce;
$factors = List($factor1, $factor2);
$roots = List($x0, $x1);

# If there were only one solution
# $roots = List(4);

# If there were no solutions
# $roots = List("NONE");

#:% section = statement
a) What are the factors of [`[$f]`]?

Factors = [__]{$factors}

b) What are the roots of this equation?

Roots = [__]{$roots}

_(Enter both answers as a comma-separated list.)_


#:% section = solution
Solution explanation goes here.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tutorial/sample-problems/Misc/
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Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@

#:% name = Essay Answer
#:% type = Sample
#:% type = [Sample, technique]
#:% categories = [essay]

#:% section = preamble
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tutorial/sample-problems/Misc/
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Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ loadMacros(
#: 'None of the above' answer that will be made last with `makeLast`.
#: So the popup list must have 9 entries A through I.
#: As an alternative, see PROBLINK('') for another way to write
#: As an alternative, see PROBLINK('') for another way to write
#: a matching problem.
$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 0;

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173 changes: 173 additions & 0 deletions tutorial/sample-problems/Misc/
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@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
## Matching problem with graphs

## DBsubject(WeBWorK)
## DBchapter(WeBWorK tutorial)
## DBsection(PGML tutorial 2015)
## Date(07/15/2023)
## Institution(Fitchburg State University)
## Author(Peter Staab)
## MO(1)
## KEYWORDS('matching', 'dynamic graph')

#:% name = Matching Problem with Graphs
#:% type = Sample
#:% subject = [algebra, precalculus]
#:% categories = [graph]

#:% section = preamble
#: The dynamic graph is generated with ``, so this is needed.
#: The matching is done with popups, so `` is need and lastly
#: a `LayoutTable` is used from ``.

'', '', '', '',
'', ''

#:% section = setup
#: The array `@all_plots` contains the display form (f) of the function,
#: the functional form (form) of the function needed in tikz format,
#: the domain of the function and the alterative text.
#: The graphs of all plots and then created by calling commands from ``.
#: See PROBLINK('') for a simpler example using tikz. Note
#: that alternate text is provided to the `image` command and for accessibility
#: should always be considered and this should be provided.
#: The dropdowns are created in the `@dropdown` array which pulls all
#: options.
#: The `LayoutTable` is used to make an accessible table that is nicely
#: laid out.
#: Although this matching problem creates graphs dynamically, these can use
#: static images by changing the call to `image` to just pass in the
#: image names.
@all_plots = (
f => 'x^2',
form => '\x*\x',
domain => '-3:3',
alt =>
'A graph of a curve with a minimum at the origin and opening '
. 'upward.'
f => 'e^x',
form => 'exp(\x)',
domain => '-6:3',
alt => 'A graph of a curve starting near the negative x axis and '
. 'rising steeply toward the first quadrant.'
f => 'x^3',
form => '\x*\x*\x',
domain => '-2:2',
alt => 'A graph of a curve from the third quadrant (where is it '
. 'concave down) to the first quadrant (where it is concave up).'
f => 'ln(x)',
form => 'ln(\x)',
domain => '0.1:6',
alt => 'A graph of a curve that approaches the negative y-axis '
. 'and rises to the first quadrant and everywhere it is concave'
. 'down.'
f => '3x+2',
form => '3*\x+2',
domain => '-6:6',
alt =>
'The graph of a line from the 3rd quadrant to the first quadrant'
f => 'sin(x)',
form => 'sin(\x r)',
domain => '-6:6',
alt => 'A graph of a curve that osciallates and passes through the '
. 'origin'

for $i (0 .. $#all_plots) {
my $graph = createTikZImage();
rounded corners=10pt,
thick,use as bounding box
] (-7,-7) rectangle (7,7);
\draw[->,thick] (-6,0) -- (6,0) node[above left,outer sep=3pt] {\(x\)};
\foreach \x in {-5,...,-1,1,2,...,5}
\draw(\x,5pt) -- (\x,-5pt) node [below] {\(\x\)};
\draw[->,thick] (0,-6) -- (0,6) node[below right,outer sep=3pt] {\(y\)};
\foreach \y in {-5,...,-1,1,2,...,5}
\draw (5pt,\y) -- (-5pt,\y) node[left] {\(\y\)};
\draw[blue,ultra thick] plot[domain=$all_plots[$i]->{domain},smooth] (\x,{$all_plots[$i]->{form}});
$all_plots[$i]->{graph} = $graph;

@plots = random_subset(4, @all_plots);

# sorted list of possible answers
$list = [ lex_sort(map {"$_->{f}"} @all_plots) ];

@dropdowns = map { DropDown($list, "$_->{f}") } @plots;

$tab = LayoutTable(
map {
width => 300,
tex_size => 400,
extra_html_tags => "alt = '$plots[$_]->{alt}'"
} (0 .. 1)
[ map { $dropdowns[$_]->menu } (0 .. 1) ],
map {
width => 300,
tex_size => 400,
extra_html_tags => "alt = '$plots[$_]->{alt}'"
} (2 .. 3)
[ map { $dropdowns[$_]->menu } (2 .. 3) ]

align => 'cc'

$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 0;

#:% section = statement
Match the graph with the formula for the graph (Click on image for a larger view.)


#:% section = answer
#: Because the dropdowns are created in the older fashion, we use the `ANS` form
#: to check the answer
ANS($dropdowns[$_]->cmp) for (0 .. 3);

#:% section = solution
Solution explanation goes here.

111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions tutorial/sample-problems/Parametric/
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@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
## Check student answers that are parametric equations

## DBsubject(WeBWorK)
## DBchapter(WeBWorK tutorial)
## DBsection(PGML tutorial 2015)
## Date(06/01/2015)
## Institution(Hope College)
## Author(Paul Pearson)
## Static(1)
## MO(1)
## KEYWORDS('parametric equation', 'answer checker')

#:% name = Parametric Equation Answer Checker
#:% type = [Sample, technique]
#:% subject = [differential calculus]
#:% categories = [parametric, answer]

#:% section = preamble
#: Since there are multiple ways to parameterize, we use the ``
#: macro.

loadMacros('', '', '', '');

#:% section = setup
#: We use a `MultiAnswer()` answer checker that will verify that the students
#: answers satisfy the equation for the circle and have the required starting
#: and ending points. This answer checker will allow students to enter any
#: correct parametrization. For example, both
#: x = \cos(t), y = sin(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ pi/3 and x = cos(2t), y = sin(2t),
#: 0 ≤ t ≤ pi/6 will be marked correct.
#: When evaluating student's answers, it is important not to use quotes. For
#: example, if the code were `$xstu->eval(t=>"$t1stu")` with quotes, then if a
#: student enters pi the answer checker will interpret it as the string "pi"
#: which will need to be converted to a MathObject Real and numerical error
#: will be introduced in the conversion. The correct code to use is
#: `$xstu->eval(t=>$t1stu)` without quotes so that the answer is interpreted
#: without a conversion that may introduce error.
#: The first if statement is fully correct, that is the parametric functions
#: are on the unit circle and the initial and final points are correct.
#: The other three ifelse in the answer checker has either the second point,
#: first point or both points wrong.
Context("Numeric")->variables->are(t => "Real");
Context()->variables->set(t => { limits => [ -5, 5 ] });

$x = Formula("cos(t)");
$y = Formula("sin(t)");
$t0 = Compute("0");
$t1 = Compute("pi/3");

($x0, $y0) = (1, 0);
($x1, $y1) = (1 / 2, sqrt(3) / 2);

$multians = MultiAnswer($x, $y, $t0, $t1)->with(
singleResult => 0,
checker => sub {
my ($correct, $student, $self) = @_;
my ($xstu, $ystu, $t0stu, $t1stu) = @{$student};
if ((($xstu**2 + $ystu**2) == 1)
&& (($xstu->eval(t => $t0stu)) == $x0)
&& (($ystu->eval(t => $t0stu)) == $y0)
&& (($xstu->eval(t => $t1stu)) == $x1)
&& (($ystu->eval(t => $t1stu)) == $y1))
return [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ];

} elsif ((($xstu**2 + $ystu**2) == 1)
&& (($xstu->eval(t => $t0stu)) == $x0)
&& (($ystu->eval(t => $t0stu)) == $y0))
return [ 1, 1, 1, 0 ];

} elsif ((($xstu**2 + $ystu**2) == 1)
&& (($xstu->eval(t => $t1stu)) == $x1)
&& (($ystu->eval(t => $t1stu)) == $y1))
return [ 1, 1, 0, 1 ];

} elsif ((($xstu**2 + $ystu**2) == 1)) {
return [ 1, 1, 0, 0 ];

} else {
return [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
#:% section = statement
#: Since the correct answer depends on all answer blanks, the MathObject
#: `$multians` is input into all answer blanks.
Find a parametrization of the unit circle from the point
[` \big(1,0\big) `] to [` \big(\frac{1}{2},\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\big) `].
Use [` t `] as the parameter for your answers.

[` x(t) = `] [__]{$multians}

[` y(t) = `] [__]{$multians}

for [__]{$multians} to [__]{$multians}.

#:% section = solution
Solution explanation goes here.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tutorial/sample-problems/Parametric/
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## KEYWORDS('parametric', 'graph polar curve')

#:% name = Polar Graph
#:% type = Sample
#:% type = [sample, technique]
#:% subject = parametric

#:% section = preamble
Expand Down

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