- FIX: Remove S3 upload concurrency to avoid 'RequestTimeTooSkewed' errors (@benoi74 #2118)
- FIX: Strip HTML tags from <title> HTML nodes (@pavel-karatsiuba #1801)
- FIX: Remove inline JS to comply with restrictive CSPs (@audiodude #2111)
- FIX: Properly download maps by fixing MWoffliner user-agent (@audiodude #2068 #2062)
- FIX: Clearly configure Node.js supported versions (@kelson42 #2065)
- FIX: Properly await async polyfill function to avoid race condition (@audiodude #2055)
- FIX: Always use fallback language strings if needed (@audiodude #2050)
- FIX: Improve API end-point - response mime-type - detection (@audiodude #2041)
- FIX: Measure ZIM Metadata length by grapheme (@kelson42 #2023)
- FIX: Multiple imporvement around the usage() (@kelson42 #1996)
- FIX: Error 'stack: "Error: Input file is missing' (@VadimKovalenkoSNF #1905)
- UPDATE: Use MediaWiki 'action' API version 2 (@VadimKovalenkoSNF #1877)
- NEW: Introduce '--forceRender' paramter (@VadimKovalenko #1901)
- NEW: Introduce hardcoded blacklist of namespaces (@kelson42 #1919)
- NEW: '--insecure' option to disable client certificate verification (@kelson42 #2010)
- NEW: Add support of Wikimedia
API end-point (@audiodude #1903 #2101 #2043 #2113, @kelson42 #2012, @VadimKovalenkoSNF #1947) - NEW: Add email notification to
based CI (@audiodude #2059) - NEW: Proper modular API end-point renderer (@VadimKovalenkoSNF #1839 #1886 #1897 #1898 #1929 #1933 #1939 )
- DEL: Support of
end-point (@VadimKovalenkoSNF #1902)