A simple media player where one can tag the beginning and the end of the problematic segment in the video.
The media player is implemented via python's PyQt5 library, it is a simple video player which consists of:
A video streamer.
A bar which represents the time.
One 'Start' button to tag where the problematic segment begins.
Second 'Finish' button to tag where the problemtac segment ends.
ScrollDown list which has four tagging specification:
1 - Violance.
2 - Verbal abuse.
3 - Nudity.
4 - Alcohol and drups consumption.
The program will save all the tagged segments in timestamps, with dividing '-'
character between the 'begin' timestamp and the 'finish' time stamp.
After that, the program will export a cnsr file which consists of all the tags with their spacifiction,
printed row by row.