ORA Stack is a comprehensive framework designed for quickly setting up a robust web3 Oracle Service.
It incorporates multiple frameworks and libraries, covering both the On-chain contract and Off-chain backend parts.
The declarative signal-based backend framework for building the backend of oracle services, handy to use out of the box.
It's similar to a web3 version of expressjs, writing event listeners just as easy as writing http routes.
For web3 developers, ORAP can be viewed as a robust event listener framework (since it's based on REKU) that can be used to build any backend services that require listening to on-chain events.
A reliable backend ethereum toolkit and utils, including a reliable RekuProviderManager that deals with websocket reconnections, and the event cross-checker that integrates the real-time-yet-unstable event subscription and stable-yet-latency getLogs.
the common swiss-knife package for oracle backend developments.
The contract library for developing the on-chain part of the Async-style Oracle in Solidity.MIT License © 2022 ORA Protocol