Release a new version
- Create release branch
$ git flow release start 1.0.0
$ vim
$ git add
- Build AMI in oe-patterns-prod AWS account:
$ export TEMPLATE_VERSION=x.y.z
$ ave oe-patterns-prod make TEMPLATE_VERSION=$TEMPLATE_VERSION ami-ec2-build
$ export AMI_ID=[ami_id_from_above]
- Update CDK with AMI ID, synth, and test:
$ vim cdk/[app]/[app] # update as directed by the output of ami-ec2-build
$ make synth-to-file
$ avl oe-patterns-prod-dylan
(take dist/template.yaml and test it manually in console of OE Patterns Prod account)
$ git add cdk
- Scan AMI in AWS Marketplace Portal
$ xdg-open
(go to Assets -> Amazon Machine Image, then select the latest AMI and click 'Share')
Role: arn:aws:iam::879777583535:role/AWSMarketplaceAMIScanning
(monitor the result of the scan and make fixes, repeat as necessary)
- Generate Product Load Form for AWS Marketplace
If this is the first version to be submitted:
$ wget
If the product is already published, go to 'Products -> Server', then select the product, and click the Download product load form
button. Copy the downloaded xlsx file to plf.xlsx
in the root folder.
$ ave oe-patterns-prod-dylan make TEMPLATE_VERSION=$TEMPLATE_VERSION AMI_ID=$AMI_ID plf
(this may take a while to complete due to the AWS pricing calculations...)
The above will generate a plf-[version]--[datetime].xlsx
, which we will upload in step 7.
- Publish template to s3 bucket (in OE Patterns dev account)
$ ave oe-patterns-dev make TEMPLATE_VERSION=$TEMPLATE_VERSION publish
- Upload Excel file to AWS Management Portal
$ xdg-open
Wait for AWS to update product / make requested changes on release branch
Finish release branch
$ git ci -m "$TEMPLATE_VERSION updates"
$ git flow release finish $TEMPLATE_VERSION
$ git checkout main
$ git push
$ git push --tags
$ git checkout develop
- Generate and copy dev AMI for taskcat tests
$ ave oe-patterns-dev make ami-ec2-build
$ ave oe-patterns-dev make AMI_ID=ami-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ami-ec2-copy
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Updated AMI for taskcat testing post $TEMPLATE_VERSION release"
$ git push
Create new product
Create github repo
Clone locally
Create CDK project, and rename base folder to
for consistency among patterns.
$ mkdir [projectname]
$ cd [projectname]
$ cdk init app --language python
$ cd ..
$ mv [projectname] cdk
Copy in the
directories from another pattern -
Tweak the
file to match other patterns -
Create an empty
- packer/ - the beginning and end of that script should be the some for all patterns using the same OS
- scripts/* - all these scripts could be shared