A simple script for my kids raspberry pi. Instead of blocking all internet access, I wanted a lightweight way to allow only certain sites.
TL;DR this will: * resolve your domains in your domain.txt (newline delimited) file * add the domains, with a current IP to /etc/hosts * temporarily rename /etc/resolv.conf so no other domains will be resolved
Until my kid figures out how DNS works, this should work. Please refrain from installing in a production environment ;)
If you are on a raspberry pi with ARMv7:
curl -Lo /home/${USER}/dns-lite https://github.com/mjohnmadison/dns-lite/releases/download/v1/dns-lite
chmod +x /home/${USER}/dns-lite
Create a file named domains.txt (default name, check usage below to chagne name): The domains file in the repo contains to entries for apt update to run. You can create your own:
echo "example.com >> /home/${USER}/domains.txt
I added this script to rc.local to run on boot (sleep to ensure DHCP has assigned IP). You can do this with:
sudo sed -i "$ i\sleep 10 && /home/${USER}/dns-lite -domains /home/${USER}/domains.txt" /etc/rc.local
Add a cron to run every 5 minutes:
echo "*/5 * * * * /home/${USER}/dns-lite -domains /home/${USER}/domains.txt >/dev/null 2>&1" | sudo tee /etc/cron.d/dns-lite
Usage of ./dns-lite:
Disable/Undo DNS changes
-domains string
Newline delimited list of domains (default "domains.txt")
-hosts string
Hosts file override (default "/etc/hosts")
There is a binary compiled for ARMv7 in the releases for easy download/use