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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Anastasija Stojanović anastasija0
Third year Electrical Engineering and Computer Science student interested in ML, Data Science, Signal Processing and Automation.

Belgrade, Serbia

Vishnu vvrs
Motion planning and Controls
Htet Wai Yan (zyme) gyiptgyipt

ROM Dynamics Myanmar

Xin Chen XinChen-stars

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics New Zealand

Youssef AbouDorra youssef-aboudorra
PhD Candidate @utwente (RaM), Aerial Robotics

University of Twente, RaM (Robotics and Mechatronics) Enschede, NL

Daniel Eneh Danny024
I am a Robotics Software Engineer with many giftings ......
Yunlong Guo yunlongguo2000
I am currently a PhD student at the National Key Laboratory of Autonomous Intelligent Unmanned Systems, Beijing Institute of Technology.

Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing

Kauã Gomes Kauagpaiva
Computer Engineering student at UFRJ.

Fluxo Consultoria Mesquita, Brazil

PhD Student in Aerospace Science and Technology
Vamshi Kodipaka vamshikodipaka
Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineering and Intelligent Systems

University of Coimbra Portugal

no. 八 jahidem
tech enthusiast

@BrickedSoft Dhaka, Bangladesh

Zhu Jun Mr-ZhuJun
I am a student. I enjoy playing table tennis and basketball, which help me stay active and teach me teamwork. I also love coding and am particularly interested.
Master's degree candidate at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai

Souhaib Louda souhaiblou
PhD Student (Mobile Robot Navigation, Computer Vision, and Artificial Intelligence)

Ferhat Abbas University of Setif 1 Setif, Algeria

Rubayed All Islam (Munna) RubayedMunna
I am doing under graduate in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
汪涛 MingFengHill
Robotics, 3D Vision

Hefei, China

Varad Vaidya varadVaidya
My interest lies in control of robotic systems and spacecrafts.

@IvLabs Bangalore, India

Tanmay Jain TanmayJain03

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Ivo Vatavuk ivatavuk

Gideon Zagreb, Croatia

Danning Zhao DianeZhao

TU Delft Delft, Netherlands

ShiauweiZhao ShiauweiZhao
Flight control engineer


Haiyun Yao whuer-mspace

Wuhan University Wuhan

Lhyan Henryhongw
Robotics,Localization,3D LiDAR SLAM,Lifelong Navigation,Robot Learning & Planning

Zhejiang Lab Hangzhou, China