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cli-aurelia 1.2.44

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @leanupjs/cli-aurelia@1.2.44
Install via package.json:
"@leanupjs/cli-aurelia": "1.2.44"

About this version

GitHub CI - Publish to NPM dependencies peer-dependencies vulnerabilities npm downloads install-size lernajs code style: prettier


This package contains the Aurelia CLI adapter. You can create a new or switch a existing project to the @leanup/stack.


You can create a new project folder or go in a existing folder.

Create a new project folder:

  1. mkdir new-aurelia-app
  2. cd new-aurelia-app
  3. npm install -D @leanup/cli @leanup/cli-aurelia
  4. npx aurelia create

Go in a existing folder

  1. cd my-aurelia-app
  2. npm install -D @leanup/cli @leanup/cli-aurelia
  3. npx aurelia create --only-config --overwrite
  4. Proof the configuration changes and adopt it for your.


Execute npm run in your terminal. It lists all preconfigured tools commands of the @leanup/stack.

For example: npm start 😉


Please give us feedback of you experience, so that we can continuously improve @leanup.



  • cli-aurelia-1.2.44-npm.tgz

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