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axioms 1.0.0-beta.29

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @zefiros-software/axioms@1.0.0-beta.29
Install via package.json:
"@zefiros-software/axioms": "1.0.0-beta.29"

About this version

Axioms (@zefiros-software/axioms)

Lines of code Version LGTM Grade License: MIT

The art of doing mathematics consists in finding that special case which contains all the germs of generality.

  • David Hilbert

Axioms is a library of small composable functions, providing functional programming functionality to regular typescript code.

Writing typesafe code shouldn't be hard. However, writing generic functions to do so is. Axioms do the hard work for you. The library is entirely tree shakeable and small as we can make it.

Table of Contents


Install Axioms using npm:

 $ npm install @zefiros-software/axioms

Alternative projects

In no particular order, the following libraries try to solve similar problems (albeit very different):

  • Lodash; works very well but defines a more polymorphic interface than we'd like. Also, tree-shaking is difficult without using different versions of this library.
  • Rambda
  • The list goes on...

PR's are very welcome if you think your project is missing here.

When not to use Axioms?

Axioms define a very opinionated interface and aren't shy about it. Not everyone will like this. Although the library is tested, picking a more used alternative will provide more stability. The current implementation is a WIP; interfaces might change. Functions may get removed if they do not provide enough use. We aim to make every function to be replaceable by a lot of alternatives readily available, but we cannot guarantee this.


Axioms is MIT licensed.



  • axioms-1.0.0-beta.29.tgz

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