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Infinite Time-Waiting Threads in OrientDB Client while Adding Edges #1636

edalorzo opened this issue Aug 22, 2013 · 16 comments

Infinite Time-Waiting Threads in OrientDB Client while Adding Edges #1636

edalorzo opened this issue Aug 22, 2013 · 16 comments


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My OrientDB client freezes in a very simple concurrent scenario Evidence shows several of my threads get into waiting state. They are waiting on one or more OrientDB threads that went into timed-waiting state and never got out of it.

Following the evidence and the description on how to reproduce the problem.

System Information

  • OrientDB Version.......: 1.5.0
  • Tinkerpop Blueprints.......: 2.4.0
  • Operating System......: Windows 7 Enterprise
  • Installed RAM............: 8 GB
  • Processor.................: Intel Core i5/2.6Ghz
  • System Type.............: 64/bit
  • Java Version..............: JDK-1.7.0_25-b17/64-bit



  • Create a database as described in the schema file provided above and populate it with the data provided in that file.
  • The data is simple, a set of SKUs and a set of attributes (colors).
  • I am using the following JVM options to run my test:
-d64 -server -Xmx1024m 
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:CompileThreshold=200 

For experimantation purposes I also I tried the settings below in certain occasions to see if I would get different results:


However, I got the same results of thread-locking problems.

The Failing Scenario

The failing scenario consists simply in using a set of threads to add all attributes to a given SKU. Therefore the code will simply add edges to the database.

This is what my threads do. It looks for an SKU vertex, and then iterates over a collection of attribute IDs, which I look up and then add an edge from the Sku vertex to the attribute vertex.

public class DeadlockTest {

    private static final int THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 10;

    private static class AddAttributes implements Callable<Object> {

        private final String skuId;
        private final String[] attributeIds;

        public AddAttributes(String skuId, String[] attributeIds) {
            this.skuId = skuId; 
            this.attributeIds = attributeIds; 

        public Object call() {
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                try {
                    return null;
                } catch (OTransactionException | ONeedRetryException ignore) {
                    System.out.println("Retyring transaction: " + ignore.getMessage());
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex);
            System.out.println("Exhausted number of attempts");
            return null;

        private void attempt() throws Exception {
            OrientGraph g = new OrientGraph("remote:localhost/fixme", "admin", "admin");
            try {
                try {
                    Vertex skuVertex = g.getVertex(skuId);
                    for (String attribute : this.attributeIds) {
                        Vertex attrVertex = g.getVertex(attribute);
                        g.addEdge("class:HashValue", skuVertex, attrVertex, "HasValue");
                        System.out.printf("Added Edge from %s to %s in thread %s%n",
                } catch (Exception propagate) {
                    throw propagate;
            } finally {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String[] skus = new String[20];
        for(int i=0; i < 20; i++) {
            skus[i] = String.format("#12:%d", i);
        String[] attributes = new String[16];
        for(int i=0; i <= 15; i++) {
            attributes[i] = String.format("#11:%d", i);


        Collection<Callable<Object>> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String sku : skus) {
            tasks.add(new AddAttributes(sku, attributes));

        ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(THREAD_POOL_SIZE);

        List<Future<Object>> results = service.invokeAll(tasks);
        for (Future<Object> result : results) {

        System.exit(0);//this line is never reached.


This is my main method. This code freezes invariably every time I run it:

Initial Diagnosis of the Problem

I ran this test several times and analyzed what was going on using both JConsole and JVisual VM.

Invariably, it seems that several threads get into TIME_WAITING state and never come out of it:

"pool-1-thread-8" - Thread t@18
   java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <6bd79538> (a java.util.ArrayList)
    at com.orientechnologies.orient.client.remote.OStorageRemote.beginRequest(

In fact, I found several other threads in this state. They never get out of it. The rest of the treads get blocked by these threads:

"pool-1-thread-2" - Thread t@12
   java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING
    at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
    - waiting to lock <3d5a95c3> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock$NonfairSync) owned by "pool-1-thread-8" t@18
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lvca commented Sep 5, 2013

it's so rare receiving a very detailed issue like your, thanks! :-)

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lvca commented Sep 5, 2013

Please could you try the same against a "local" database to see if it's the remote protocol the problem?

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edalorzo commented Sep 9, 2013

I tested the code using a local connection this time not only I got a deadlock reported in JConsole, but also some new exceptions.

  • You download details of the exceptions reported here.
  • You can see an screenshot of JConsole reporting a dedlock here.

I changed the code as follows:

private void attempt() throws Exception {
    Graph g = new OrientGraph("local:/home/edalorzo/fixme", "admin", "admin");
    try {
        try {
            Set<Vertex> found = Sets.newHashSet(g.getVertices("@class", "Sku"));
            for(Vertex skuVertex : found) {
                for (String attribute : this.attributes) {
                    Vertex attrVertex = g.getVertex(attribute);
                    g.addEdge("class:HashValue", skuVertex, attrVertex, "HasValue");
                    System.out.printf("Added Edge from %s to %s in thread %s%n",
        } catch (Exception propagate) {
            if(g instanceof TransactionalGraph) {
                ((TransactionalGraph) g).rollback();
            throw propagate;
    } finally {

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edalorzo commented Sep 9, 2013

Also tried the same scenario with OrientGraphNoTx:

Graph g = new OrientGraphNoTx("local:/home/edalorzo/SandBox/databases/fixme", "admin", "admin");

With the unfortunate same results. My tests report the following in the output:

Retrying transaction: Timeout on acquiring exclusive lock against resource of class: class com.orientechnologies.common.concur.resource.OSharedResourceAdaptiveExternal with timeout=5000
Retrying transaction: Timeout on acquiring exclusive lock against resource of class: class com.orientechnologies.common.concur.resource.OSharedResourceAdaptiveExternal with timeout=5000
Retrying transaction: Timeout on acquiring exclusive lock against resource of class: class com.orientechnologies.common.concur.resource.OSharedResourceAdaptiveExternal with timeout=5000
Retrying transaction: Timeout on acquiring exclusive lock against resource of class: class com.orientechnologies.common.concur.resource.OSharedResourceAdaptiveExternal with timeout=5000
Retrying transaction: Timeout on acquiring exclusive lock against resource of class: class com.orientechnologies.common.concur.resource.OSharedResourceAdaptiveExternal with timeout=5000
Retrying transaction: Timeout on acquiring exclusive lock against resource of class: class com.orientechnologies.common.concur.resource.OSharedResourceAdaptiveExternal with timeout=5000
Retrying transaction: Timeout on acquiring exclusive lock against resource of class: class com.orientechnologies.common.concur.resource.OSharedResourceAdaptiveExternal with timeout=5000
Retrying transaction: Timeout on acquiring exclusive lock against resource of class: class com.orientechnologies.common.concur.resource.OSharedResourceAdaptiveExternal with timeout=5000
Retrying transaction: Timeout on acquiring exclusive lock against resource of class: class com.orientechnologies.common.concur.resource.OSharedResourceAdaptiveExternal with timeout=5000

And my code gets blocked there. It never reaches the end of execution.

Actually this problem is pretty serious. It is preventing us from moving to production. The only workaround I have found is to synchronize all modifications to the database, which is very counter effective in terms of performance.

Are there any leads on the cause of this problem or any other workaround that I could use while this gets solved?

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lvca commented Sep 10, 2013

@Laa does the new index has improved also the locking management? How can we prevent such situation?

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Hi all,
I can see on screenshot only one thread but according to stacktrace it was
related to mvrbtree index and that is fixed in develop because we do not
need to wait for data flush in index it happens in background by write
And if we have buffer overflow the the max delay which I got on YCSB was
0.9 seconds with 0 ms on 99% of insertions.

May be deadlock is related to ridset (I can see only one thread on
screenshot) then it will be fixed during couple of weeks by Artem.

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Luca Garulli [email protected]:

@Laa does the new index has improved also the
locking management? How can we prevent such situation?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Best regards,
Andrey Lomakin.

Orient Technologies
the Company behind OrientDB

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@Laa The screenshot shows one of the final tests that I did with OrientDBNoTx and local connections, However, above you can find a full thread dump where another type deadlock using remote connections happens.

The connection never recovers from this. Not sure if this is the same problem.

"pool-1-thread-1" - Thread t@11
   java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <6bd79538> (a java.util.ArrayList)
    at com.orientechnologies.orient.client.remote.OStorageRemote.beginRequest(
    at com.orientechnologies.orient.client.remote.OStorageRemote.readRecord(
    at com.orientechnologies.orient.client.remote.OStorageRemoteThread.readRecord(
    at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.record.ODatabaseRecordAbstract.executeReadRecord(
    at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.tx.OTransactionOptimistic.loadRecord(
    at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.record.ODatabaseRecordTx.load(
    at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.record.ODatabaseRecordTx.load(
    at com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.OrientBaseGraph.getVertex(
    at org.dalorzo.TestDrive$AddAttributes.attempt(
    at org.dalorzo.TestDrive$
    at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

@ghost ghost assigned andrii0lomakin Sep 21, 2013
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Today I took a moment to test this again with OrientGraphNoTx. I have been trying this for hours and I have not been able to reproduce the case. The problem seem to occur only while using OrientGraph.

public class OrientDBDeadlockTest {

    private static final int THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 30;

    private static class AddAttributes implements Callable<Object> {

        private final String skuId;
        private final String[] attributeIds;

        public AddAttributes(String skuId, String[] attributeIds) {
            this.skuId = skuId; //skuId names (i.e. "SKU-001")
            this.attributeIds = attributeIds; //object ids (i.e. #11:0)

        public Object call() {
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                try {
                    return null;
                } catch (OTransactionException | ONeedRetryException ignore) {
                    System.out.println("Retyring transaction: " + ignore.getMessage());
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex);
            System.out.println("Exhausted number of attempts");
            return null;

        private void attempt() throws Exception {
            OrientGraphNoTx g = new OrientGraphNoTx("remote:localhost/fixme", "admin", "admin");
            try {
                try {
                    Vertex skuVertex = getSkuVertex(skuId, g);
                    for (String attribute : this.attributeIds) {
                        Vertex attrVertex = g.getVertex(attribute);
                        g.addEdge("class:HashValue", skuVertex, attrVertex, "HasValue");
                        System.out.printf("Added Edge from %s to %s in thread %s%n",
                } catch (Exception propagate) {
                    throw propagate;
            } finally {

        private Vertex getSkuVertex(String sku, Graph g) {
            for(Vertex v : g.getVertices("Sku.sku", sku)){
                return v;
            throw new AssertionError("Sku vertex for "+ sku +" should have been found");

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String[] skus = new String[20];
        for(int i=0; i < 20; i++) {
            skus[i] = String.format("SKU-%03d", i+1);

        String[] attributes = new String[16];
        for(int i=0; i <= 15; i++) {
            attributes[i] = String.format("#11:%d", i);


        Collection<Callable<Object>> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String sku : skus) {
            tasks.add(new AddAttributes(sku, attributes));

        ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(THREAD_POOL_SIZE);

        try {
            List<Future<Object>> results = service.invokeAll(tasks);
            for (Future<Object> result : results) {
        } catch (Exception ex) {

        System.exit(0); //this line is never reached.


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While using OrientGraph the last thing reported in the console before going into infinite time waiting is this

Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v0 your=v0)

So, I guess the retrying of the transaction is the problem. This happens despite the fact that I have mvcc=false in both the server and the client.

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lvca commented Sep 21, 2013

This is pretty weird, specially since v0 is equals to v0! Let me try it...

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lvca commented Sep 21, 2013

Tried. I found a minor problem in the exception just fixed. The code seems to run well now but I'm not sure that fixed this problem. Could you retry it please?

My output:

OrientDB 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT configuration dump:
  + environment.dumpCfgAtStartup = false
  + environment.concurrent = true
  + memory.useUnsafe = true
  + jvm.gc.delayForOptimize = 600
  + storage.diskCache.bufferSize = 4096
  + storage.diskCache.writeCachePart = 30
  + storage.diskCache.writeCachePageTTL = 86400
  + storage.diskCache.writeCachePageFlushInterval = 100
  + storage.diskCache.writeCacheFlushLockTimeout = 300000
  + storage.compressionMethod = snappy
  + storage.useWAL = true
  + storage.wal.cacheSize = 3000
  + storage.wal.maxSegmentSize = 64
  + storage.wal.maxSize = 153600
  + storage.wal.commitTimeout = 1000
  + storage.wal.shutdownTimeout = 10000
  + storage.wal.fuzzyCheckpointInterval = 2592000
  + storage.wal.fuzzyCheckpointShutdownWait = 600
  + storage.wal.fullCheckpointShutdownTimeout = 600
  + storage.wal.path = null
  + storage.makeFullCheckpointAfterCreate = true
  + storage.makeFullCheckpointAfterClusterCreate = true
  + storage.diskCache.pageSize = 64
  + storage.lowestFreeListBound = 16
  + storage.cluster.useNodeIdAsClusterPosition = false
  + storage.keepOpen = true
  + storage.lockTimeout = 600000
  + storage.record.lockTimeout = 5000
  + storage.useTombstones = false
  + cache.level1.enabled = true
  + cache.level1.size = 1000
  + cache.level2.enabled = false
  + cache.level2.size = 0
  + cache.level2.impl = com.orientechnologies.orient.core.cache.ODefaultCache
  + cache.level2.strategy = 0
  + object.saveOnlyDirty = false
- DB
  + db.pool.min = 1
  + db.pool.max = 20
  + db.mvcc = true
  + db.mvcc.throwfast = false
  + db.validation = true
  + db.use.distributedVersion = false
  + nonTX.recordUpdate.synch = false
  + nonTX.clusters.sync.immediately = manindex
- TX
  + tx.useLog = true
  + tx.autoRetry = 10
  + tx.log.fileType = classic
  + tx.log.synch = false
  + tx.commit.synch = false
  + hashTable.slitBucketsBuffer.length = 1500
  + = true
  + = 10000
  + index.manual.lazyUpdates = 1
  + index.durableInNonTxMode = false
  + index.txMode = ROLLBACK_ONLY
  + index.useSBTreeByDefault = true
  + mvrbtree.timeout = 5000
  + mvrbtree.nodePageSize = 256
  + mvrbtree.loadFactor = 0.7
  + mvrbtree.optimizeThreshold = 100000
  + mvrbtree.entryPoints = 64
  + mvrbtree.optimizeEntryPointsFactor = 1.0
  + mvrbtree.entryKeysInMemory = false
  + mvrbtree.entryValuesInMemory = false
  + mvrbtree.ridBinaryThreshold = 8
  + mvrbtree.ridNodePageSize = 64
  + mvrbtree.ridNodeSaveMemory = false
  + sbtree.maxEntree.size = 24576000
  + lazyset.workOnStream = true
  + file.lock = true
  + file.defrag.strategy = 0
  + file.defrag.holeMaxDistance = 32768
  + file.mmap.useOldManager = false
  + file.mmap.autoFlush.timer = 30
  + file.mmap.autoFlush.unusedTime = 30
  + file.mmap.lockMemory = true
  + file.mmap.strategy = 0
  + file.mmap.blockSize = 1048576
  + file.mmap.bufferSize = 8192
  + file.mmap.maxMemory = 7666237440
  + file.mmap.overlapStrategy = 2
  + file.mmap.forceDelay = 10
  + file.mmap.forceRetry = 50
  + jna.disable.system.library = true
  + file.cluster.useLHPEPS = false
  + file.cluster.useMemoryLHCluster = false
  + network.maxConcurrentSessions = 1000
  + network.socketBufferSize = 32768
  + network.lockTimeout = 15000
  + network.socketTimeout = 15000
  + network.retry = 5
  + network.retryDelay = 500
  + network.binary.loadBalancing.enabled = false
  + network.binary.loadBalancing.timeout = 2000
  + network.binary.maxLength = 32736
  + network.binary.readResponse.maxTimes = 20
  + network.binary.debug = false
  + network.http.maxLength = 1000000
  + network.http.charset = utf-8
  + network.http.sessionExpireTimeout = 300
  + profiler.enabled = false
  + profiler.config = null
  + profiler.autoDump.interval = 0
  + log.console.level = info
  + log.file.level = fine
  + command.timeout = 0
  + = 1
  + = 20
  + client.connectionPool.waitTimeout = 5000
  + = 10000
  + = 5000
  + server.cache.staticFile = false
  + server.cache.2q.increaseOnDemand = true
  + server.cache.2q.increaseStep = 0.1
  + server.log.dumpClientExceptionLevel = FINE
  + server.log.dumpClientExceptionFullStackTrace = true
  + distributed.threadQueueSize = 10000
  + distributed.crudTaskTimeout = 3000
  + distributed.commandTaskTimeout = 5000
  + distributed.queueTimeout = 3000
  + distributed.synchResponsesTimeout = 5000
  + distributed.asynchResponsesTimeout = 15000
  + distributed.purgeResponsesTimerDelay = 15000
ScriptEngineManager javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory: Provider com.tinkerpop.gremlin.groovy.jsr223.GremlinGroovyScriptEngineFactory not found
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:16] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-4
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v49 your=v48)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:16] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:1] in thread pool-1-thread-4
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:14] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-6
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v51 your=v49)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:16] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:2] in thread pool-1-thread-4
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:14] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:1] in thread pool-1-thread-6
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:15] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-5
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:16] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:3] in thread pool-1-thread-4
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v52 your=v51)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:14] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:2] in thread pool-1-thread-6
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:13{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-007} v120 not found in field in_HasValue
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:13] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-7
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:15] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:1] in thread pool-1-thread-5
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:1{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-019} v176 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v55 your=v52)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:10{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-010} v96 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v55 your=v52)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:11{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-009} v113 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v55 your=v52)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:5{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-015} v177 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v55 your=v52)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:12{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-008} v113 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v55 your=v52)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:6{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-014} v119 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v55 your=v52)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:9{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-011} v97 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v55 your=v52)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:17{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-003} v40 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v55 your=v52)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:18{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-002} v109 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v55 your=v52)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:2{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-018} v108 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v55 your=v52)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:3{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-017} v108 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v55 your=v52)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:4{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-016} v175 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v55 your=v52)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:0{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-020} v183 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v55 your=v52)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:8{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-012} v177 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v55 your=v52)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:7{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-013} v104 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v55 your=v52)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:16] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:4] in thread pool-1-thread-4
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:19{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-001} v102 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v55 your=v52)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:14] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:3] in thread pool-1-thread-6
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v36 your=v35)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:15] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:2] in thread pool-1-thread-5
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:1] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-19
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v56 your=v55)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v56 your=v55)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v56 your=v55)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v56 your=v55)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v56 your=v55)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v56 your=v55)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v56 your=v55)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v56 your=v55)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v56 your=v55)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v56 your=v55)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v56 your=v55)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v56 your=v55)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v56 your=v55)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:16] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:5] in thread pool-1-thread-4
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v56 your=v55)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v56 your=v55)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:14] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:4] in thread pool-1-thread-6
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v56 your=v55)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:15] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:3] in thread pool-1-thread-5
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:1] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:1] in thread pool-1-thread-19
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:10{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-010} v98 not found in field in_HasValue
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:10] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-10
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:11{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-009} v115 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v59 your=v56)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:5{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-015} v179 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v59 your=v56)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:12{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-008} v115 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v59 your=v56)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:6{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-014} v121 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v59 your=v56)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:9{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-011} v99 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v59 your=v56)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:17{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-003} v42 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v59 your=v56)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:18{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-002} v111 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v59 your=v56)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:2{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-018} v110 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v59 your=v56)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:3{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-017} v110 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v59 your=v56)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:4{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-016} v177 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v59 your=v56)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:0{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-020} v185 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v59 your=v56)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:16] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:6] in thread pool-1-thread-4
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:8{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-012} v179 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v59 your=v56)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:7{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-013} v106 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v59 your=v56)
set 21, 2013 11:24:38 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:19{out_HasValue:[1],sku:SKU-001} v104 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v59 your=v56)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:14] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:5] in thread pool-1-thread-6
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v59 your=v56)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:15] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:4] in thread pool-1-thread-5
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:1] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:2] in thread pool-1-thread-19
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:10] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:1] in thread pool-1-thread-10
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:11] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-9
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-15
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-8
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:9] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-11
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:17] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-3
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:18] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-2
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:2] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-18
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:3] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-17
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:4] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-16
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:16] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:7] in thread pool-1-thread-4
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:0] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-20
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:8] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-12
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:7] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-13
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:19] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-1
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:14] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:6] in thread pool-1-thread-6
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:13] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-7
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:15] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:5] in thread pool-1-thread-5
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:1] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:3] in thread pool-1-thread-19
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:10] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:2] in thread pool-1-thread-10
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:11] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:1] in thread pool-1-thread-9
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v39 your=v38)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v39 your=v38)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v39 your=v38)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v39 your=v38)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v39 your=v38)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v39 your=v38)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v39 your=v38)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v39 your=v38)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v39 your=v38)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:16] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:8] in thread pool-1-thread-4
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v39 your=v38)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v39 your=v38)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v39 your=v38)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v39 your=v38)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:14] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:7] in thread pool-1-thread-6
set 21, 2013 11:24:39 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:13{out_HasValue:[4],sku:SKU-007} v127 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v39 your=v38)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:15] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:6] in thread pool-1-thread-5
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:1] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:4] in thread pool-1-thread-19
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:10] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:3] in thread pool-1-thread-10
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:11] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:2] in thread pool-1-thread-9
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-15
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v64 your=v59)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v64 your=v59)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v64 your=v59)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v64 your=v59)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v64 your=v59)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v64 your=v59)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v64 your=v59)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v64 your=v59)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:16] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:9] in thread pool-1-thread-4
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v64 your=v59)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v64 your=v59)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v64 your=v59)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v64 your=v59)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:14] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:8] in thread pool-1-thread-6
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v64 your=v59)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:15] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:7] in thread pool-1-thread-5
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:1] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:5] in thread pool-1-thread-19
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:10] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:4] in thread pool-1-thread-10
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:11] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:3] in thread pool-1-thread-9
set 21, 2013 11:24:39 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:5{out_HasValue:[3],sku:SKU-015} v185 not found in field in_HasValue
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:1] in thread pool-1-thread-15
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-8
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:9] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-11
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:17] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-3
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:18] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-2
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:2] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-18
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:3] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-17
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:16] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:10] in thread pool-1-thread-4
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:4] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-16
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:0] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-20
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:8] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-12
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:7] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-13
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:14] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:9] in thread pool-1-thread-6
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:19] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-1
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:13] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-7
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:15] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:8] in thread pool-1-thread-5
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:1] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:6] in thread pool-1-thread-19
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:10] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:5] in thread pool-1-thread-10
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:11] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:4] in thread pool-1-thread-9
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:2] in thread pool-1-thread-15
set 21, 2013 11:24:39 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:12{out_HasValue:[2],sku:SKU-008} v120 not found in field in_HasValue
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:1] in thread pool-1-thread-8
set 21, 2013 11:24:39 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:6{out_HasValue:[2],sku:SKU-014} v126 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v46 your=v42)
set 21, 2013 11:24:39 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:9{out_HasValue:[2],sku:SKU-011} v104 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v46 your=v42)
set 21, 2013 11:24:39 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:17{out_HasValue:[2],sku:SKU-003} v47 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v46 your=v42)
set 21, 2013 11:24:39 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:18{out_HasValue:[2],sku:SKU-002} v116 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v46 your=v42)
set 21, 2013 11:24:39 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:2{out_HasValue:[2],sku:SKU-018} v115 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v46 your=v42)
set 21, 2013 11:24:39 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:3{out_HasValue:[2],sku:SKU-017} v115 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v46 your=v42)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:16] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:11] in thread pool-1-thread-4
set 21, 2013 11:24:39 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:4{out_HasValue:[2],sku:SKU-016} v182 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v46 your=v42)
set 21, 2013 11:24:39 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:0{out_HasValue:[2],sku:SKU-020} v190 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v46 your=v42)
set 21, 2013 11:24:39 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:8{out_HasValue:[2],sku:SKU-012} v184 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v46 your=v42)
set 21, 2013 11:24:39 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:7{out_HasValue:[2],sku:SKU-013} v111 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v46 your=v42)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:14] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:10] in thread pool-1-thread-6
set 21, 2013 11:24:39 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: [OrientVertex.removeEdges] edge Sku#12:19{out_HasValue:[2],sku:SKU-001} v109 not found in field in_HasValue
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v46 your=v42)
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v46 your=v42)
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:15] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:9] in thread pool-1-thread-5
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:1] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:7] in thread pool-1-thread-19
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:10] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:6] in thread pool-1-thread-10
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:11] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:5] in thread pool-1-thread-9
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:3] in thread pool-1-thread-15
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:2] in thread pool-1-thread-8
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:0] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v69 your=v64)
Exhausted number of attempts
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v69 your=v64)
Exhausted number of attempts
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v69 your=v64)
Exhausted number of attempts
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v69 your=v64)
Exhausted number of attempts
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:16] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:12] in thread pool-1-thread-4
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v69 your=v64)
Exhausted number of attempts
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v69 your=v64)
Exhausted number of attempts
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v69 your=v64)
Exhausted number of attempts
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v69 your=v64)
Exhausted number of attempts
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v69 your=v64)
Exhausted number of attempts
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:14] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:11] in thread pool-1-thread-6
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v69 your=v64)
Exhausted number of attempts
Retyring transaction: Cannot UPDATE the record #11:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v69 your=v64)
Exhausted number of attempts
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:15] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:10] in thread pool-1-thread-5
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:1] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:8] in thread pool-1-thread-19
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:10] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:7] in thread pool-1-thread-10
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:11] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:6] in thread pool-1-thread-9
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:4] in thread pool-1-thread-15
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:3] in thread pool-1-thread-8
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:1] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:16] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:13] in thread pool-1-thread-4
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:14] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:12] in thread pool-1-thread-6
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:15] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:11] in thread pool-1-thread-5
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:1] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:9] in thread pool-1-thread-19
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:10] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:8] in thread pool-1-thread-10
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:11] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:7] in thread pool-1-thread-9
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:5] in thread pool-1-thread-15
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:4] in thread pool-1-thread-8
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:2] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:16] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:14] in thread pool-1-thread-4
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:14] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:13] in thread pool-1-thread-6
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:15] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:12] in thread pool-1-thread-5
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:1] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:10] in thread pool-1-thread-19
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:10] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:9] in thread pool-1-thread-10
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:11] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:8] in thread pool-1-thread-9
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:6] in thread pool-1-thread-15
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:5] in thread pool-1-thread-8
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:3] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:16] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:15] in thread pool-1-thread-4
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:14] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:14] in thread pool-1-thread-6
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:15] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:13] in thread pool-1-thread-5
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:1] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:11] in thread pool-1-thread-19
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:10] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:10] in thread pool-1-thread-10
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:11] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:9] in thread pool-1-thread-9
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:7] in thread pool-1-thread-15
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:6] in thread pool-1-thread-8
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:4] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:14] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:15] in thread pool-1-thread-6
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:15] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:14] in thread pool-1-thread-5
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:1] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:12] in thread pool-1-thread-19
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:10] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:11] in thread pool-1-thread-10
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:11] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:10] in thread pool-1-thread-9
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:8] in thread pool-1-thread-15
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:7] in thread pool-1-thread-8
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:5] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:15] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:15] in thread pool-1-thread-5
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:1] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:13] in thread pool-1-thread-19
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:10] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:12] in thread pool-1-thread-10
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:11] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:11] in thread pool-1-thread-9
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:9] in thread pool-1-thread-15
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:8] in thread pool-1-thread-8
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:6] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:1] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:14] in thread pool-1-thread-19
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:10] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:13] in thread pool-1-thread-10
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:11] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:12] in thread pool-1-thread-9
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:10] in thread pool-1-thread-15
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:9] in thread pool-1-thread-8
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:7] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:1] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:15] in thread pool-1-thread-19
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:10] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:14] in thread pool-1-thread-10
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:11] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:13] in thread pool-1-thread-9
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:11] in thread pool-1-thread-15
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:10] in thread pool-1-thread-8
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:8] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:10] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:15] in thread pool-1-thread-10
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:11] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:14] in thread pool-1-thread-9
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:12] in thread pool-1-thread-15
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:11] in thread pool-1-thread-8
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:9] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:11] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:15] in thread pool-1-thread-9
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:13] in thread pool-1-thread-15
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:12] in thread pool-1-thread-8
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:10] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:14] in thread pool-1-thread-15
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:13] in thread pool-1-thread-8
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:11] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:5] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:15] in thread pool-1-thread-15
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:14] in thread pool-1-thread-8
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:12] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:12] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:15] in thread pool-1-thread-8
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:13] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:14] in thread pool-1-thread-14
Added Edge from v(Sku)[#12:6] to v(AttributeValue)[#11:15] in thread pool-1-thread-14

@lvca lvca closed this as completed Sep 21, 2013
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lvca commented Sep 21, 2013

Don't disable MVCC unless you want to have a corrupted db!

Copy link

Thanks @lvca

I retested the scneario using OrientDB 1.6.0 SNAPSHOT and it looks like the problem has been corrected. This are great news, we deployed in production last week and this bug was giving me a hard time.

I did not know that disabling mvcc could corrupt the database. If this is the case, the flag should not even exist. Also, disabling mvcc is one of the recommended ways to deal with concurrency exceptions mentioned in the wiki under Troubleshooting Java.

Perhaps this recommendation should be updated to avoid people disable mvcc as a mechanism to deal with this problem.

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lvca commented Sep 27, 2013

You're right I've removed that line in Troubleshooting Java. I know very old applications that are running in that mode because they didn't manage correctly the concurrency. I agree with you that flag should be turned-off.

Copy link

@lvca hi ,I have a problem,could you give me some advise? I set the db.pool.min and db.pool.max in the orientdb-server-config.xml ,
,but I can't get db.pool.min =50 and db.pool.max =200 from OGlobalConfiguration.dumpConfiguration(System.out)

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lvca commented May 24, 2016

@NLPScott what's your problem and what are you trying to accomplish?

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