v0.2.4 (2020-01-27)
Closed issues:
- return missing rather than noting (#317)
- GAP with no packages fails to define functions (#311)
- GAP crash after Julia TypeError (#298)
Merged pull requests:
- Reduce deps/deps.jl to only contain the GAPROOT (#328) (fingolfin)
- Prepare to get rid of GAPTypes.jl (#327) (fingolfin)
- Fix compilation with GAP master on macOS (#325) (fingolfin)
- fix the access to the GAP help system (#318) (ThomasBreuer)
- Travis: stop using ccache (#314) (fingolfin)
- Reduce overhead in build.jl a bit (#313) (fingolfin)
- Overhaul Travis setup (#312) (fingolfin)