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Docu invariants lin. red. groups (Lakshmi Ramesh and Wolfram Decker) (#…
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Co-authored-by: Johannes Schmitt <[email protected]>
(cherry picked from commit 73ba787)
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wdecker authored and benlorenz committed Feb 28, 2024
1 parent 5223042 commit d4e9082
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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion docs/src/InvariantTheory/
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Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,11 @@ $K[V]:=S(V^*)=\bigoplus_{d\geq 0} S^d V^*$

which preserves the grading.

The *invariants* of $G$ are the fixed points of this action, its *invariant ring* is the graded subalgebra
!!! note
In OSCAR, group actions are by convention assumed to be right actions and we follow this convention with our definition above.
Note, however, that the left action given by $\pi \;\! . \;\! f := f \circ \rho(\pi^{-1})$ is quite common in the literature.

The *invariants* of $G$ are the fixed points of the action defined above, its *invariant ring* is the graded subalgebra

$K[V]^G:=\{f\in K[V] \mid f \;\! . \;\! \pi =f {\text { for any }} \pi\in G\} \subset K[V].$

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# Invariants of Linearly Reductive Groups

In this section, with notation as in the introduction to this chapter, $G$ will be a *linearly algebraic group* over an algebraically closed field $K$, and ``\rho: G \to \text{GL}(V)\cong \text{GL}_n(K)`` will be a *rational* representation of $G$. As in the previous sections, ``G`` will act on $K[V]\cong K[x_1, \dots, x_n]$ by linear substitution:

$(f \;\! . \;\! \pi) (x_1, \dots, x_n) = f((x_1, \dots, x_n) \cdot \rho(\pi)) \text{ for all } \pi\in G.$
In this section, with notation as in the introduction to this chapter,
$G$ will be a *linearly algebraic group* over an algebraically closed
field $K$, $\rho: G \to \text{GL}(V)\cong \text{GL}_n(K)$ will
be a *rational* representation of $G$, and
$G$ will act on $K[V]\cong K[x_1, \dots, x_n]$ by linear
substitution: If $\rho(\pi) = (a_{i, j})$, then

$(f \;\! . \;\! \pi) (x_1, \dots, x_n) = f\bigl(\sum_j a_{1, j}x_j, \dots, \sum_j a_{n, j}x_j\bigr).$

!!! note

- The definition of linear reductivity guarantees the existence of a Reynolds operator $\mathcal R: K[V] \to K[V]$.
- By Hilbert's celebrated finiteness theorem, $K[V]^G$ is finitely generated as a $K$-algebra.
- By a result of Hochster and Roberts, $K[V]^G$ is Cohen-Macaulay.
- By a result of Hochster and Roberts, $K[V]^G$ is Cohen-Macaulay.

In cases where the Reynold's operator can be explicitly handled, generators of invariant rings of linearly reductive groups can be found in two steps using Derksen's algorithm, see [Der99](@cite) :
In cases where the Reynold's operator is explicitly known, generators of invariant rings of linearly reductive groups
can be found in two steps using Derksen's algorithm, see [Der99](@cite) :

- First, compute generators of Hilbert's null-cone ideal.
- Then, apply the Reynold's operator to these generators.
Expand All @@ -24,32 +29,59 @@ See also [DK15](@cite) and [DJ98](@cite).

## Creating Invariant Rings

There are no exact means to handle algebraically closed fields on the computer. For the computation of invariant rings in the above setting, on the other hand, there is no need to deal with explicit elements of ``G`` or with its group structure. The implementation of Derksen's algorithm in OSCAR can handle situations where both $G$ and the representation $\rho$ are defined over an exact subfield $k$ of $K$ which is supported by OSCAR:
### How Linearly Reductive Groups and Their Representations are Given

For the computation of invariant rings in the above setting, there is no need to deal with explicit elements of ``G`` or with its group structure.
The implementation of Derksen's algorithm in OSCAR can handle situations where both $G$ and the representation $\rho$ are defined over an exact
subfield $k$ of $K$ which is supported by OSCAR:

- ``G`` is specified as an affine algebraic variety by polynomials with coefficients in $k$;
- ``\rho: G \to \text{GL}(V) \cong \text{GL}_n(K)`` is specified by an $n\times n$ matrix whose entries are polynomials in the same variables as those specifying $G$, with coefficients in $k$.

All computations are then performed over $k$.
!!! note
Proceeding as above is not a problem: Derksen's algorithms relies on Gröbner bases techniques and means to compute
Reynolds operators. It does, thus, not change the initial ground field $k$. That is, all computations are performed over $k$
and computations over any extension field of $k$ would lead to the same results.

!!! warning
OSCAR does neither check whether the affine variety defined by the given equations carries a group structure which makes it a linearly reductive group nor does it check whether the given $n\times n$ matrix really defines a representation.

In OSCAR, the basic set-up for a linearly reductive group in the context of Derksen's algorithm is provided by the
function `linearly_reductive_group`. At current state, this only supports rational actions of the special linear group
(in characteristic zero). For the action of this group by linear substitution on forms, an explicit Reynolds operator is
given by Cayley's Omega-process. We show this at work later in this section.

linearly_reductive_group(sym::Symbol, m::Int, K::Field)

linearly_reductive_group(sym::Symbol, m::Int, R::MPolyRing)

## Basic Data Associated to Invariant Rings
representation_on_forms(G::LinearlyReductiveGroup, d::Int)

## The Reynolds Operator
### Constructors for Invariant Rings


## Generators of Hilbert's Null-Cone Ideal
invariant_ring(R::MPolyDecRing, r::RepresentationLinearlyReductiveGroup)

### The Reynolds Operator

## Generators of the Invariant Ring
reynolds_operator(R::RedGrpInvRing, f::MPolyRingElem)

## Fundamental Systems of Invariants

## Invariant Rings as Affine Algebras


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192 changes: 186 additions & 6 deletions experimental/InvariantTheory/src/InvariantTheory.jl
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export LinearlyReductiveGroup, linearly_reductive_group, representation_matrix, group, reynolds_operator, group_ideal, canonical_representation, natural_representation
export RepresentationLinearlyReductiveGroup, representation_reductive_group, representation_on_forms, representation_matrix, direct_sum, tensor
export RedGrpInvRing, invariant_ring, fundamental_invariants, NullConeIdeal, poly_ring, representation
export RedGrpInvRing, invariant_ring, fundamental_invariants, NullConeIdeal, polynomial_ring, representation, affine_algebra
#Setting up Reductive Groups
Expand All @@ -21,22 +21,22 @@ mutable struct LinearlyReductiveGroup

function LinearlyReductiveGroup(sym::Symbol, m::Int, fld::Field) #have not decided the representation yet
#check char(fld)
@assert sym == :SL
@assert sym == :SL && characteristic(fld) == 0
R, _ = polynomial_ring(fld, :z => (1:m,1:m))
return LinearlyReductiveGroup(sym, m, R)

function LinearlyReductiveGroup(sym::Symbol, m::Int, pring::MPolyRing) #the ring input is the group ring
#check char(field)
G = new()
@assert sym == :SL
fld = base_ring(pring)
@assert sym == :SL && characteristic(fld) == 0
characteristic(fld) == 0 || error("Characteristic should be 0 for linearly reductive groups")
G.field = fld
@req m^2 == ngens(pring) "ring not compatible" = (sym,m)
G.reynolds_operator = reynolds_slm
M = matrix(pring, m, m, gens(pring))
M = transpose(matrix(pring, m, m, gens(pring)))
G.canonical_representation = M
G.group_ideal = ideal([det(M) - 1])
#base ring of M has to be the same as the representation matrix when that is created later.
Expand All @@ -54,8 +54,51 @@ function, G::LinearlyReductiveGroup)

#getter functions
linearly_reductive_group(sym::Symbol, m::Int, R::MPolyRing) = LinearlyReductiveGroup(sym,m,R)

@doc raw"""
linearly_reductive_group(sym::Symbol, m::Int, K::Field)
Return the linearly reductive group indicated by `sym`.
Currently, the supported options for `sym` are:
* `:SL`, corresponding to the special linear group (of degree $m$ over the field $K$).
# Examples
julia> G = linearly_reductive_group(:SL, 2, QQ)
Reductive group SL2
over QQ
julia> group_ideal(G)
Ideal generated by
z[1, 1]*z[2, 2] - z[2, 1]*z[1, 2] - 1
linearly_reductive_group(sym::Symbol, m::Int, F::Field) = LinearlyReductiveGroup(sym,m,F)

@doc raw"""
linearly_reductive_group(sym::Symbol, m::Int, R::MPolyRing)
Return the linearly reductive group indicated by `sym`.
Currently, the supported options for `sym` are:
* `:SL`, corresponding to the special linear group (of degree $m$ over the base field $K$ of $R$, where $R$ is the polynomial ring in which the defining ideal of SL$(m, K)$ lives).
# Examples
julia> S, z = polynomial_ring(QQ, "c"=> (1:2, 1:2));
julia> G = linearly_reductive_group(:SL,2,S)
Reductive group SL2
over QQ
julia> group_ideal(G)
Ideal generated by
c[1, 1]*c[2, 2] - c[2, 1]*c[1, 2] - 1
linearly_reductive_group(sym::Symbol, m::Int, R::MPolyRing) = LinearlyReductiveGroup(sym,m,R)

group(G::LinearlyReductiveGroup) =
field(G::LinearlyReductiveGroup) = G.field
reynolds_operator(G::LinearlyReductiveGroup) = G.reynolds_operator
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,6 +148,25 @@ group(R::RepresentationLinearlyReductiveGroup) =
representation_matrix(R::RepresentationLinearlyReductiveGroup) = R.rep_mat
vector_space_dimension(R::RepresentationLinearlyReductiveGroup) = ncols(R.rep_mat)

@doc raw"""
representation_on_forms(G::LinearlyReductiveGroup, d::Int)
If `G` is the special linear group acting by linear substitution on forms of degree `d`, return the corresponding representation.
# Examples
julia> G = linearly_reductive_group(:SL, 2, QQ);
julia> r = representation_on_forms(G, 2)
Representation of SL2
on symmetric forms of degree 2
julia> representation_matrix(r)
[ z[1, 1]^2 2*z[1, 1]*z[2, 1] z[2, 1]^2]
[z[1, 1]*z[1, 2] z[1, 1]*z[2, 2] + z[2, 1]*z[1, 2] z[2, 1]*z[2, 2]]
[ z[1, 2]^2 2*z[1, 2]*z[2, 2] z[2, 2]^2]
function representation_on_forms(G::LinearlyReductiveGroup, d::Int)
@assert[1] == :SL
return RepresentationLinearlyReductiveGroup(G, d)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -271,7 +333,44 @@ end

@doc raw"""
Return the invariant ring under the action defined by the representation `r` on an implicitly generated polynomial ring of appropriate dimension.
# Examples
julia> G = linearly_reductive_group(:SL, 2, QQ);
julia> r = representation_on_forms(G, 2);
julia> RG = invariant_ring(r)
Invariant Ring of
graded multivariate polynomial ring in 3 variables over QQ
under group action of SL2
invariant_ring(R::RepresentationLinearlyReductiveGroup) = RedGrpInvRing(R)

@doc raw"""
invariant_ring(R::MPolyDecRing, r::RepresentationLinearlyReductiveGroup)
Return the invariant subring of `R` under the action induced by the representation of `r` on `R`.
# Examples
julia> G = linearly_reductive_group(:SL, 3, QQ);
julia> r = representation_on_forms(G, 3);
julia> S, x = graded_polynomial_ring(QQ, "x" => 1:10);
julia> RG = invariant_ring(S, r)
Invariant Ring of
graded multivariate polynomial ring in 10 variables over QQ
under group action of SL3
invariant_ring(ring::MPolyDecRing, R::RepresentationLinearlyReductiveGroup) = RedGrpInvRing(R, ring)

@attr MPolyIdeal function NullConeIdeal(R::RedGrpInvRing)
Expand All @@ -280,10 +379,31 @@ invariant_ring(ring::MPolyDecRing, R::RepresentationLinearlyReductiveGroup) = Re
return ideal(generators(, I, Z.rep_mat))

poly_ring(R::RedGrpInvRing) = R.poly_ring
polynomial_ring(R::RedGrpInvRing) = R.poly_ring
group(R::RedGrpInvRing) =
representation(R::RedGrpInvRing) = R.representation

@doc raw"""
Return a system of fundamental invariants for `RG`.
# Examples
julia> G = linearly_reductive_group(:SL, 2, QQ);
julia> r = representation_on_forms(G, 2);
julia> RG = invariant_ring(r);
julia> fundamental_invariants(RG)
1-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{QQFieldElem, QQMPolyRingElem}}:
-X[1]*X[3] + X[2]^2
@attr function fundamental_invariants(z::RedGrpInvRing) #unable to use abstract type
R = z.representation
I, M = proj_of_image_ideal(, R.rep_mat)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -489,9 +609,69 @@ function reynolds_operator(X::RepresentationLinearlyReductiveGroup, elem::MPolyR
return reverse_map(f)

@doc raw"""
reynolds_operator(RG::RedGrpInvRing, f::MPolyRingElem)
Return the image of `f` under the Reynolds operator corresponding to `RG`.
# Examples
julia> G = linearly_reductive_group(:SL, 3, QQ);
julia> r = representation_on_forms(G, 3);
julia> S, x = graded_polynomial_ring(QQ, "x" => 1:10);
julia> RG = invariant_ring(S, r);
julia> 75*reynolds_operator(RG, x[5]^4)
x[1]*x[4]*x[8]*x[10] - x[1]*x[4]*x[9]^2 - x[1]*x[5]*x[7]*x[10] + x[1]*x[5]*x[8]*x[9] + x[1]*x[6]*x[7]*x[9] - x[1]*x[6]*x[8]^2 - x[2]^2*x[8]*x[10] + x[2]^2*x[9]^2 + x[2]*x[3]*x[7]*x[10] - x[2]*x[3]*x[8]*x[9] + x[2]*x[4]*x[5]*x[10] - x[2]*x[4]*x[6]*x[9] - 2*x[2]*x[5]^2*x[9] + 3*x[2]*x[5]*x[6]*x[8] - x[2]*x[6]^2*x[7] - x[3]^2*x[7]*x[9] + x[3]^2*x[8]^2 - x[3]*x[4]^2*x[10] + 3*x[3]*x[4]*x[5]*x[9] - x[3]*x[4]*x[6]*x[8] - 2*x[3]*x[5]^2*x[8] + x[3]*x[5]*x[6]*x[7] + x[4]^2*x[6]^2 - 2*x[4]*x[5]^2*x[6] + x[5]^4
function reynolds_operator(R::RedGrpInvRing, elem::MPolyRingElem)
X = R.representation
return reynolds_operator(X, elem)


#####################Invariant rings as affine algebras

@doc raw"""
Return the invariant ring `RG` as an affine algebra (this amounts to compute the algebra syzygies among the fundamental invariants of `RG`).
In addition, if `A` is this algebra, and `R` is the polynomial ring of which `RG` is a subalgebra,
return the inclusion homomorphism `A` $\hookrightarrow$ `R` whose image is `RG`.
# Examples
julia> G = linearly_reductive_group(:SL, 2, QQ);
julia> r = representation_on_forms(G, 2);
julia> S, x = graded_polynomial_ring(QQ, "x" => 1:3);
julia> RG = invariant_ring(S, r);
julia> A, AtoS = affine_algebra(RG)
(Quotient of multivariate polynomial ring by ideal (0), Hom: A -> S)
@attr function affine_algebra(R::RedGrpInvRing)
V = fundamental_invariants(R)
s = length(V)
weights_ = zeros(Int, s)
for i in 1:s
weights_[i] = total_degree(V[i])
S,_ = graded_polynomial_ring(field(group(representation(R))), "t"=>1:s; weights = weights_)
R_ = polynomial_ring(R)
StoR = hom(S,R_,V)
I = kernel(StoR)
Q, StoQ = quo(S,I)
QtoR = hom(Q,R_,V)
return Q, QtoR

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