A customizable and animated notification widget for Flet apps. Display beautiful toast-style notifications with smooth animations, multiple types, and flexible positioning. Perfect for user feedback! 🎉
- 🎨 4 Notification Types: Info, Success, Warning, Error with distinct colors/icons
- 🚀 Smooth Animations: Customizable entrance/exit animations
- 📍 Flexible Positioning: Show notifications on either side (or both!)
- ⚙️ Full Customization: Control sizes, durations, colors, and animations
- ⏳ Auto-dismiss: Set timeout duration for each notification
- ✖️ Manual Close: Users can dismiss notifications instantly
- 🌈 Theming Support: Match your app's color scheme
Example usage:
import flet as ft
from NotificationCenter import NotificationCenter, NotificationTypes
def main(page: ft.Page):
nc = NotificationCenter(alignment=ft.alignment.top_right)
# Add notification
content=ft.Text("File saved successfully!", color=ft.Colors.BLACK),
License 📄 MIT License - Feel free to use and modify in your projects! ❤️
Made with 🚀 by SkeletoR