- node.js server
- package.json compiling handlebars in handlebars
- express-handlebars
- server side computions
- Handlebars Page to show what classes need to be taken including prereqs
- CSS styling
- Handlebars Profile page to save classes taken (/views/account.handlebars)
- Has options to update classesTaken and classesWanted
- Has option to delete account (/delete)
- Client side JS
- Automaticly send post requests on accounts page on keyup to update classesTaken, and classesWanted in realtime
- talk to Nathan to figure out what on earth what on earth he is talking about
- Design handlebars for templated pages
- Login integration
- Git repo management
- Structure and Spec
- Will breakdown jobs more once file structure is created
"username": "",
"classesWanted": [],
"prereqsNeeded": [],
"classesTaken": []
"code":"AAE 210",
"description":"bla bla bla boring",
"restrictions": "Prerequisite: ENGR 211. A minimum grade of C is ...",
- all classes are in the form "CS 290"