This project was mainly based on Bishalsarang, LeetCode API
I adjust to personal needs, any voice or suggestion is welcome. [email protected]
- find out the specific topics and output them into out.html. e.g. If you want to download the Google interview topics, let's say 2,3,4. You may follow the following steps:
- delete the out.html
- edit the track.conf as 0
- in the, search the keyword 'target_topic =[1,2,3]' and change it to 'target_topic =[2,3,4]'
- fixed the deprecated usage in Selenium Webdriver. BTW, I've tried autologin and download every but failed. Personally, I think it's leetcode used another web framework hiden their content. e.g. <div>, we can check it from the HTML source code.
- add method for Mac users.