Yet Another JavaScript Syntax file for Vim. Key differences:
- Use 'javascript' as group name's prefix, not 'javaScript' nor 'JavaScript'. Works great with SyntaxComplete.
- Recognize Web API and DOM keywords. Base on Mozilla's WebIDL files
- Works perfect with javascript-libraries-syntax.vim
- Remove old, unused syntax definitions.
- Support new syntax, ex:
, arrow function:=>
For ES.Next features such as decorator, binding operator. Please install
I start a new project instead of sending PR to jelera is because: jelera/vim-javascript-syntax is not so active. And I want to do lots of changes, including ES6 and other not confirmed standard support. Also, one of my goals is to produce 100% correct syntax. But it hurt performance, so I prefer to create a new one instead of merging back.
Recommend use pathogen or Vundle. Vundle:
Plugin 'othree/yajs.vim'
yajs.vim is not good on performance. If you are using a slow computer. You might feel lag while moving the cursor. You can try disable cursorline and colorcolumn, or reduce the number of synmaxcol. Another possible solution is change to neovim
If you still want cursor line highlight, some terminal has their built-in support. Ex: iTerm2, Edit Profile -> Colors -> Cursor Colors.
- Jose Elera, Enhanced Javascript syntax
- Zhao Yi, Claudio Fleiner, Scott Shattuck (This file is based on their hard work)
- gumnos (From the #vim IRC Channel in Freenode) (Who helped me figure out the crazy Vim Regexes)
Please send issue report to github. Provide sample code to help me debug.
- Update syntax to support latest specs
- Fix performance issue
- Include Mozilla's WebIDL
- Bug Fix
- Bug Fix
Vim License