This package aims to simplify integrating Next.js, and the CMS. It gives you simple functions for setting up sanity, fetching static props, and using live previews as per Checkout out the sanity starter template at to see an example of usage.
First to setup the functions, create a module, eg lib/sanity.js
. Call setupNextSanity(config)
to get your helper functions:
import { setupNextSanity } from "next-sanity-extra"
// Standard sanity config
// Don't forget token, to get a preview client and authenticated client
const config = {
projectId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID,
dataset: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_DATASET,
useCdn: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production",
token: process.env.SANITY_API_TOKEN
export const {
} = setupNextSanity(config);
Then you can use the functions in a page, eg pages/index.jsx
import { sanityStaticProps, useSanityQuery, PortableText } from "../lib/sanity";
import groq from "next-sanity";
const myQuery = groq`*[ etc... ]`;
export const getStaticProps = async (context) => ({
props: await sanityStaticProps({context, query: myQuery})
export default function ServicesPage(props) {
const { data, loading, error } = useSanityQuery(query, props);
// Render page with data
<PortableText blocks={data.content} />
To serve live previews, create eg pages/api/preview.js
With the default settings - forwarding to /[slug]:
import previewApi from 'next-sanity-extra/api/preview'
export default previewApi({token: process.env.SANITY_PREVIEW_TOKEN})
to forward to custom parameter - eg 'page'
import previewApi from 'next-sanity-extra/api/preview'
export default previewApi({
token: process.env.SANITY_PREVIEW_TOKEN,
redirect: (req) => `/${}`
import { setupNextSanity } from "next-sanity-extra"
setupNextSanity(client: ClientConfig, serializers?: PortableTextSerializers)
Returns an object with functions you can use to ease integration:
sanityClient('anonymous' | 'authenticated' | 'preview')
- A sanity client with a given setup. Token must be set in order to use authenticated or previewimageUrlBuilder
- A ImageUrlBuilderPortableText
- Portable Text componentsanityStaticProps({context, query, queryParams, authenticated})
- Returns static props for getStaticProps.context
- the context passed into getStaticPropsquery
- the query to run for the page.queryParams
- [optional] params to substitute into the query. If not provided, will be taken from context.params.authenticated
- [optional] whether to use an authenticated sanity client, if you have provided token to config. Defaults to false.
useSanityPreview(query, props)
- A hook which returns preview-enabled data for use in each page.query
- the query to run for the pageprops
- props passed into the page component
import previewApi from "next-sanity-extra/api/preview"
previewApi({token, data, redirect})
- API handler to call from sanity for page previews:
- Sanity API Tokendata
- [optional] Function from request to preview data to return to clientredirect
- [optional] Function from request to a path to redirect to. Defaults to/${req.query.slug}
eg pages/index.tsx
import { sanityStaticProps, useSanityQuery, PortableText } from "../lib/sanity";
import groq from "next-sanity";
import { GetStaticPropsContext } from "next";
import { SanityProps } from "next-sanity-extra";
const myQuery = groq`*[ etc... ]`;
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async (context) => ({
props: sanityStaticProps({context, query: myQuery})
// Optionally type your page's data:
// SanityProps<{title: string, etc...}>
// Otherwise just use SanityProps
export default function ServicesPage(props: SanityProps) {
const { data, loading, error } = useSanityQuery(query, props);
// Render page with data
<PortableText blocks={data.content} />