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skyline.vim is a simple statusline plugin for Vim.

It is a much slimmer alternatives to plugins like powerline, vim-airline, or lightline.vim. But, of course, it is not as feature-packed. That being said, if you are looking for a minimal, functional statusline that expands upon and is easier to configure than the default :h statusline, look no further.

The notable features of skyline.vim are:

  • a dynamic mode module, whose color changes to indicate your editing mode
  • a git branch module, supported by vim-fugitive or plugin-less
  • word and line count modules, perfect Vimmers that are writers
  • show and hide many modules at will with simple g:skyline* variables


  1. Add to your .vimrc or init.vim
Plug 'ourigen/skyline.vim'
  1. Install with :PlugInstall
# NOTE: You can replace `bundle` with any directory name

# Vim instructions
mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start
cd ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start
git clone
# generating helptags for `:h skyline.txt`
vim -u NONE -c "helptags skyline.vim/doc" -c q

# Neovim instructions
mkdir -p  ~/.config/nvim/pack/bundle/start
cd ~/.config/nvim/pack/bundle/start
git clone
# generating helptags for `:h skyline.txt`
nvim -u NONE -c "helptags skyline.vim/doc" -c q


  • g:skyline_ale Set let g:skyline_ale = 1 to show linter errors and warnings. Depends on ALE. Defaults to 0.

  • g:skyline_fugitive Set let g:skyline_fugitive = 1 to show the branch of your file. Depends on vim-fugitive. Defaults to 0.

  • g:skyline_path Set let g:skyline_path = 0 if you only want the tail (file name) of the path. Defaults to 1 for full relative path.

  • g:skyline_fileformat Set let g:skyline_fileformat = 0 to hide the file format. Defaults to 1.

  • g:skyline_encoding Set let g:skyline_encoding = 0 to hide the file encoding. Defaults to 1.

  • g:skyline_wordcount Set let g:skyline_wordcount = 1 to show the total word count of the file / visual selection. Defaults to 0.

  • g:skyline_linecount Set let g:skyline_linecount = 1 to show the total line count of the file. Defaults to 0.

  • g:skyline_percent Set let g:skyline_percent = 0 to hide the percentage through file. Defaults to 1.

  • g:skyline_lineinfo Set let g:skyline_lineinfo = 0 to hide the line : column position. Defaults to 1.

  • g:skyline_filetype Set let g:skyline_filetype = 0 to hide filetype. Defaults to 1.

  • g:skyline_bufnum Set let g:skyline_bufnum = 0 to hide buffer number. Defaults to 1.


Standard Statusline

"Writer" Statusline

Dynamic Mode Module

Dynamic Word Count Module

News and Notes

  • For more information, refer to the skyline.vim documentation.
  • This plugin is licensed under GNU General Public License.
  • NEW: A dev branch was created to test out redesigns and integrations. Notable changes are ALE integration for linter information, removal of plugin-less git branch parsing, removal of g:skyline_preview, and changing delimiter from | to . To try out the dev, use
Plug 'ourigen/skyline.vim', { 'branch': 'dev' }


skyline.vim is a simple statusline plugin for Vim.







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