This is a bot made to interface with Google Hangouts. It uses the hangups
library to connect to hangouts.
NOTE: This project requires python3
The following instructions will help you get started:
Clone the github repository to your computer:
git clone
Install all requirements:
cd hangoutsbot/
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create needed directories:
mkdir private logs
Create database tables:
./ create_tables
Copy settings/secret.sample
to settings/
cp settings/secret.{sample,py}
Get Bot's ID and set in settings/
./ get_bot_id
Modify any other relevant information in settings/
to your liking.
Run the bot:
./ run
NOTE: Make sure to run the bot before adding it to a conversation. This way, it can correctly populate the database with Users.
Accessing the python shell with context:
./ shell
To set your user as an admin, enter a shell and do the following:
>>> user = User.get(first_name="<enter your name here>")
>>> user.is_admin = True