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oc Test middleware service

This is a middleware server for testing owncloud (owncloud10 or OCIS) with different Clients. This server handles the operations which are required to "get the server to a certain state"

How it works

Since most tests in owncloud are written in gherkin, the middleware server accepts a gherkin step, parses it and runs the appropriate code to get the server to a certain state.

For example, If we want to run a gherkin step Given user "Alice" has been created with default attributes, the test runner sends this step to the middleware server which runs it and creates the user on the oc server with all necessary default attributes (displayname, email etc.) and also stores the user so that we can cleanup after the test is complete.


  • POST /init

    reset the middleware state and start a test scenario execution

    curl -XPOST http://localhost:3000/init
  • POST /execute

    execute a gherkin step

    curl -XPOST http://localhost:3000/execute -d '{"step": "Given user \"Alice\" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

    Gherkin data tables are passed as a simple 2D array in json

    curl -XPOST http://localhost:3000/execute -d '{"step":"Given these groups have been created:","table":[["groupname"],["HelloGroup"]]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  • GET /state

    retrieve current state of the test runner. information like created users/groups list are shared

      curl http://localhost:3000/state
  • POST /cleanup

    cleanup the middleware state and the owncloud server

    curl -XPOST http://localhost:3000/cleanup

Integration with test frameworks

The middleware service is designed to be used with gherkin test runners such as cucumber and behat. In order to integrate this service with the test suite, we need to find a way to capture the steps that need to be run in the middleware. Most test runners allow use of regex in the matching of the step definition. We can use any regex rule to match all the steps that need to run in the middleware. you can capture them at once and send them to the middleware service. for example, for all the steps you want to run in the middleware end them with in the server, then you can use regex /^(.*) in the server$/ to capture all the steps

eg. Cucumber Integration

# test.feature
Feature: test feature

    Given user "Alice" has been created with default attributes in the server
    And user "Alice" has created folder "new folder" in the server
  Scenario: ...
// someContext.js
function handler(statement) {
    return fetch("http://localhost:3000/execute", {
        method: "POST",
        body: JSON.stringify({step: "Given " + statement}),
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    }).then(res => {
        if (res.ok) {
            // somewhere in the middle of init and cleanup
            if(currentStateIsToBeFetched) {
              return fetch("http://localhost:3000/state").then(res => {
                return res.json()
            return res.text()
        } else {
            throw new Error(res.text())
    }).catch(err => {
        return Promise.reject(err)

Before(function() {
    return fetch("http://localhost:3000/init", {
        method: "POST"

After(function() {
    return fetch("http://localhost:3000/cleanup", {
        method: "POST"

Given(/^(.*) in the server$/, handler);


  • You will need to create a separate matcher if you want to send data tables because cucumber will not match the same step with an optional datatable.
  • Since most of the test runner state such as the list of users created by the test runner are stored in the middleware, there is no need to remember them in the test runner itself.


Server requirements:

  • testing app must be enabled to use steps that run occ commands or set ownCloud 10 system settings (see testing/

Note: the testing app is not available on oCIS. When such steps are used against an oCIS server they will not be effective.

Server specific config variables

setting meaning default
HOST Host for the middleware server localhost
PORT Port for the middleware server 3000

Test Specific config variables

setting meaning default
BACKEND_HOST ownCloud server URL (or reva service url for running with OCIS) http://localhost:8080
BACKEND_USERNAME ownCloud administrator username admin
BACKEND_PASSWORD ownCloud administrator password admin
REMOTE_BACKEND_HOST ownCloud remote server URL http://localhost:8080
RUN_ON_OCIS Running the tests using the OCIS backend false
OCIS_REVA_DATA_ROOT Data directory of OCIS /var/tmp/reva
OCIS_SKELETON_DIR Skeleton files directory for new users -

Ldap Specific config variables

setting meaning default
RUN_WITH_LDAP use LDAP user backend false
LDAP_SERVER_URL Url of the ldap server ldap://
LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD admin password of the ldap server admin
LDAP_BASE_DN base DN of the admin server cn=admin,dc=owncloud,dc=com

Graph Specific config variables

setting meaning default
TEST_WITH_GRAPH_API use graph api to create users false

Starting the server

To start the middleware server change into the checkout directory of owncloud-test-middleware and use the following commands

yarn install  # install dependencies from package.json
yarn start

This command assumes that your backend server is running on http://localhost:8080/ for oc10 (or https://localhost:9200 when RUN_WITH_OCIS is set). If your backend is running on a different address use:

BACKEND_HOST=http://localhost/owncloud-server yarn start