[0.9.1] - 2024-08-29
6633972 linter: Add fixer for no-empty
(#5276 ) (camc314)
a58e448 linter/eslint: Add fixer to no-var
(#5144 ) (camc314)
a6e9769 linter/jsx-a11y: Add label-has-associated-control
(#5163 ) (Billy Levin)
c8e8532 linter/unicorn: Add fixer to throw-new-error
(#5275 ) (camc314)
7ccde4b linter/unicorn: Add fixer to prefer-date-now
(#5147 ) (camc314)
Bug Fixes
fdef8ae linter: Jest/vitest rule compat (#4797 ) (cinchen)
76e86f8 linter: Eslint-plugin-unicorn prefer-spread wrong linter suggestion on variables of type string (#5265 ) (Arian94)
b39544e linter/jest: Fixer for prefer-jest-mocked
creates invalid LHS expressions (#5243 ) (camc314)
9953fa5 linter/no-null: Incorrect fixer for NullLiteral
within ReturnStatement
(#5247 ) (Dunqing)
318479e linter/no-unused-vars: Mark the class/function in the new expression as used (#5306 ) (magic-akari)
fa1d460 linter: Clean up Fixer and Message (#5308 ) (DonIsaac)
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