This repository is the official Julia
implementation of the following paper:
Rontsis N., Goulart P.J., & Nakatsukasa, Y.
An active-set algorithm for norm constrained quadratic problems
Preprint in Arxiv
i.e. an active-set algorithm for solving problems of the form
minimize ½x'Px + q'x
subject to ‖x‖ ∈ [r_min, r_max]
Ax ≤ b
where x
in the n-
dimensional variable and P
is a symmetric (definite/indefinite) matrix and ‖.‖
is the 2-norm.
This repository is based on TRS.jl and GeneralQP.jl. First install these two dependencies by running
in Julia's Pkg REPL mode and then install this repository by running
Problems of the form
minimize ½x'Px + q'x
subject to ‖x‖ ∈ [r_min, r_max]
Ax ≤ b
can be solved with
solve(P, q, A, b, r, x_init; kwargs) -> x
with inputs (T
is any real numerical type):
: the quadratic cost;q::Vector{T}
: the linear cost;A::Matrix{T}
: the linear constraints;r_min::T=zero(T)
: the 2-norm boundsx_init::Vector{T}
: the initial, feasible point
keywords (optional):
the verbosity of the solver ranging from0
(no output) to2
(most verbose). Note that settingverbosity=2
affects the algorithm's performance.max_iter=Inf
: Maximum number of iterationsprinting_interval::Int=50
and output x::Vector{T}
, the calculated optimizer, and λ::Vector{T}
that contains the Lagrange multipliers of the linear inequalities and the norm constraint.
Finding an initial feasible point for the problem considered in the repository is in general ''NP-Complete''. However the following function
find_feasible_point(A, b, r_min=0, r_max=Inf) -> x
attempts to find a feasible point by first minimizing x'x
and then maximizing x'x
over the polyhedron Ax ≤ b
Reproducing the numerical examples from the paper
The code for reproducing the numerical examples from the paper is in the folder examples
, except for the sparse-pca which is in the dedicated branch pca