This application allows users to locate any local breweries given a user input city name. Brew Me! should be simple and user friendly; please refer to the following for all project details.
Project Proposal : Includes user story and acceptance criteria
- Brandon Maxwell: brandon-maxwell
- Felicia Wootton: fdwootton
- Pamela Hsu: p-hsu
This application is striclty a MVP with the limited function of searching local breweries by city. The list below mentions future development ideas that could impove upon the simplicity of function as well as UX/UI aspects of BREW ME! Please refer to the Beyond MVP section for details.
- rending unique info windows for each map markers (see commented out code at end of
The following components are used to build the code for this project:
- CSS:
- Bulma
- Fontawesome
- custom
- JavaScript:
- Vanilla JavaScript
- API:
The following lists all functions within this project:
- area for user input to enter and search via city name
- embedded dynamic google maps displaying markers of listed data
- hovering over markers will show brewery name
- area where results will populate and display the following:
- brewery name
- address
- brewery website if available
- mobile-friendly with media query technique
Designated tasts and project member initials: see Project Members section for reference
- wireframe: BM/FW/PH
: BM/FW/PH -
: BM/FW -
: BM/FW -
: BM/FW/PH- for loop to render HTML divs: PH/FW
- details populated from brewery API: BM/FW
- call Google Maps JavaScript API to render embedded dynamic map: PH
- functions to render markers/marker clusters for populated data from brewery API: BM
: PH - API research: BM/FW/PH
- additional Google Map API functions
- geolocation
- distance matrix
- storing user data for other functions
- save favorite breweries
- pull into googleMap functions ie. directions
- plan a brewery crawl!
- include social networking functions
- reviews and ratings
- sharing favorites
- even MORE mobile friendly
- Clone this repository onto local workspace
- Open Terminal (MacOS) or Git Bash (Windows) and change location to where you want the cloned directory
- Type
git clone
and paste copied respository - Directory should include the following:
- assets folder
- images folder
- javascript folder:
- css folder:
- assets folder
Please use the following link to deploy a live URL of this project:
- Brew Me! original concept and code collaborators: Brandon Maxwell || Felicia Wootton || Pamela Hsu
- Mim Armand and Kat Poulos provided assistance and mentorship as the program instructor and teaching assistant respectivley
- Full-stack Bootcamp Program @ Washington University, Saint Louis through © 2021 Trilogy Education Services, LLC, a 2U, Inc. brand
- Google Maps API
- Open Brewery DB
- Animated GIF created using © Screencastify,LLC 2020