Terraform template repository for infrastructures projects
In this template we use devopslab
or dvopla
to define ours project, but you need to change all the information, to be complaint with your project
- src\
- .env\
- terraform.tfvars
- .env\
Change this informations
# general
env_short = "d"
env = "dev"
prefix = "dvopla"
location = "northeurope"
location_short = "neu"
tags = {
CreatedBy = "Terraform"
Environment = "DEV"
Owner = "DevOps"
Source = "https://github.com/pagopa/devopslab-infra"
CostCenter = "TS310 - PAGAMENTI & SERVIZI"
And change all the occurency of devopslab
of his prefix with yours prefix.
In the folders core, pillar and k8s
Change the occurrence devopslab
with the name of your project or the name that is better for you.
Inside the folder src we have this folders, that contains the terraform files. Here you can find the meaning of the folders
- pillar: contains all the basic infrastructure that must be created before to support other layers, and cannot be destroyed every time.
- for example we can find the dns, vnet or monitoring
- core: here you can find all the business infrastructure objects, use data to load the objects created in pillar.
- k8s: here you can find the setup of your cluster k8s/aks
- for example ingress, secrets, rbac or service accounts
In order to manage the suitable version of terraform it is strongly recommended to install the following tool:
- tfenv: Terraform version manager inspired by rbenv.
Once these tools have been installed, install the terraform version shown in:
- .terraform-version
After installation install terraform:
tfenv install
As PagoPA we build our standard Terraform modules, check available modules:
To apply changes follow the standard terraform lifecycle once the code in this repository has been changed:
terraform.sh init [dev|uat|prod]
terraform.sh plan [dev|uat|prod]
terraform.sh apply [dev|uat|prod]
We have both developers who work with your Terraform configuration on their Linux, macOS or Windows workstations and automated systems that apply the configuration while running on Linux. https://www.terraform.io/docs/cli/commands/providers/lock.html#specifying-target-platforms
So we need to specify this in terraform lock providers:
terraform init
rm .terraform.lock.hcl
terraform providers lock \
-platform=windows_amd64 \
-platform=darwin_amd64 \
-platform=darwin_arm64 \
Check your code before commit.
pre-commit run -a
Install the pre-commit hook globally
git config --global init.templateDir ${DIR}
pre-commit init-templatedir -t pre-commit ${DIR}