is a tool for interacting with the btc-e.com API, with this tool you can get ticker, depth, create orders, cancel order and more.
Let's create an object to work with the API.
import qbtce
api = qbtce.API()
also accepts key
and secret
parameters which is required for trading, however, for accessing public methods like ticker, depth, etc, those
parameters can be skipped.
{u'ltc_usd': {u'avg': 3.508,
u'buy': 3.529999,
u'high': 3.6,
u'last': 3.53,
u'low': 3.416,
u'sell': 3.5171,
u'updated': 1416668112,
u'vol': 135779.64027,
u'vol_cur': 38658.10338}}
api.ticker("ltc_usd", "btc_usd")
{u'btc_usd': {u'avg': 353.804995,
u'buy': 352.7,
u'high': 362.603,
u'last': 352.7,
u'low': 345.00699,
u'sell': 352.522,
u'updated': 1416668214,
u'vol': 2104478.11369,
u'vol_cur': 5950.96141},
u'ltc_usd': {u'avg': 3.508,
u'buy': 3.537062,
u'high': 3.6,
u'last': 3.53706,
u'low': 3.416,
u'sell': 3.5171,
u'updated': 1416668214,
u'vol': 135707.07088,
u'vol_cur': 38637.47309}}
api.depth("btc_usd", limit=5)
{u'btc_usd': {u'asks': [[351.86, 1.60132646],
[352.5, 1.2066],
[352.69, 0.01],
[352.701, 0.14266935],
[352.807, 0.011]],
u'bids': [[351.641, 0.021],
[351.64, 0.021],
[351.601, 0.07],
[351.6, 1.5],
[351.503, 0.01141469]]}}
For trading, you have to create key and a secret in your btc-e account. Then, just create an object with key and a secret.
import qbtce
api = qbtce.API(key="...", secret="...")
api.trade(pair="nmc_usd", type="sell", rate=0.85, amount=1)
{u'funds': {u'btc': 0,
u'cnh': 0,
u'eur': 0,
u'ftc': 0,
u'gbp': 0,
u'ltc': 0,
u'nmc': 0,
u'nvc': 0,
u'ppc': 0,
u'rur': 0,
u'trc': 0,
u'usd': 0.86726519,
u'xpm': 0},
u'order_id': 0,
u'received': 1,
u'remains': 0}
{u'461587001': {u'amount': 1.0,
u'pair': u'nmc_usd',
u'rate': 0.88,
u'status': 0,
u'timestamp_created': 1416666122,
u'type': u'sell'}}
{u'461587001': {u'amount': 1.0,
u'pair': u'nmc_usd',
u'rate': 0.88,
u'start_amount': 1.0,
u'status': 0,
u'timestamp_created': 1416666122,
u'type': u'sell'}}
{u'funds': {u'btc': 0,
u'cnh': 0,
u'eur': 0,
u'ftc': 0,
u'gbp': 0,
u'ltc': 0,
u'nmc': 0,
u'nvc': 0,
u'ppc': 0,
u'rur': 0,
u'trc': 0,
u'usd': 0.86726519,
u'xpm': 0},
u'open_orders': 1,
u'rights': {u'info': 1, u'trade': 1, u'withdraw': 0},
u'server_time': 1416666392,
u'transaction_count': 0}
{u'funds': {u'btc': 0.15926435,
u'cnh': 0,
u'eur': 0,
u'ftc': 0,
u'gbp': 0,
u'ltc': 28.22469696,
u'nmc': 11.10283754,
u'nvc': 0,
u'ppc': 0,
u'rur': 0,
u'trc': 0,
u'usd': 0.86726519,
u'xpm': 0},
u'order_id': 461587001}