rphylopic has now been transferred to the Palaeoverse community (new maintainer: William Gearty and author: Lewis Jones)
The package has been updated to work with PhyloPic API ver. >=2.1.1
The package has been reworked to its core functionality of fetching silhouettes and plotting them in base R and ggplot2:
get_uuid: this function enables users to get uuid(s) associated with a taxonomic name (new function)
get_phylopic: this function enables users to get the PhyloPic silhouette associated with a specific uuid (replaces image_get)
pick_phylopic: this function enables users to pick specific PhyloPic silhouettes when multiple are available for a given taxonomic name (new function)
add_phylopic_base: this function retains it's core functionality and is used to add a silhouette to a base R plot (updated from add_phylopic_base)
add_phylopic: this function retains it's core functionality and is used to add a silhouette to a ggplot2 (updated from add_phylopic)
get_attribution: this function enables users to get the attribution data associated with a specific uuid (new function)
save_phylopic: this function enables users to save PhyloPic silhouettes using various formats (replaces save_png)
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