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Workshop in Barcelona related to MobX / Redux comparison in React Native

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Repository files navigation

This project was bootstrapped with Create React Native App.

Below you'll find information about performing common tasks. The most recent version of this guide is available here.

How to start and use this project

Checkout this project to your React Native Workspace

git clone

Install all dependencies

cd CoffeeShopWorkshopMobX
# or
npm install

Available Scripts

If Yarn was installed when the project was initialized, then dependencies will have been installed via Yarn, and you should probably use it to run these commands as well. Unlike dependency installation, command running syntax is identical for Yarn and NPM at the time of this writing.

npm start

Runs your app in development mode.

Open it in the Expo app on your phone to view it. It will reload if you save edits to your files, and you will see build errors and logs in the terminal.

Sometimes you may need to reset or clear the React Native packager's cache. To do so, you can pass the --reset-cache flag to the start script:

npm start -- --reset-cache
# or
yarn start -- --reset-cache

npm run ios

Like npm start, but also attempts to open your app in the iOS Simulator if you're on a Mac and have it installed.

Errors during install process?

FAIL [RNDebugger] The `rndebugger://` URI scheme seems not registered, maybe you haven't install the app?

I'm using react native debugger feel free to download it or remove "postinstall": "rndebugger-open --expo" from package.json

Why Ignite?

  • Easily spin up a new React Native app with best practices built-in
  • No runtime! This is a developer tool only, not a library you have to depend on
  • Works with iOS and Android out of the box
  • API-ready -- hook it up and start talking to your server
  • Standard-js compliant code

Why MobX?

MobX is a battle tested library that makes state management simple and scalable by transparently applying functional reactive programming (TFRP). The philosophy behind MobX is very simple:

Anything that can be derived from the application state, should be derived. Automatically.

Why MobX over Redux?

Here you can find the presentation's slides.

Less code than redux, shorter learning curve. IMHO MobX is a best approach for the most common react-native projects. Redux is very powerfull, but when you start learning RN you must understand too many concepts before you can even start... and redux is not one of the smallest obstacles i met when i started.

❤️ Special Thanks ❤️

Why this Workshop? Redux or MobX: An attempt to dissolve the Confusion

Who inspired me? - Write React-Native apps in 2017 style with MobX

Who created Ignite? - Learn More About Infinite Red

📋 Documentation 📋

Ignite 2 documentation? Go here

React Native's documentation? Go here

MobX documentation? Go here

React-Navigation documentation? Go here


Written by Paolo Mosca


Workshop in Barcelona related to MobX / Redux comparison in React Native






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