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GitOps on vSphere with Tanzu leveraging ArgoCD

NOTE - This has been tested on vCenter 8.0u2. Supervisor version 1.26.

  • In this example, we will be using the vSphere Namespace (pre-created from vCenter) called demo1. Users can change the reference as needed.
  • We will be deploying ArgoCD in the demo1 vSphere Namespace.
  • The storageClass call tanzu will be used for this demo.
  • Using ArgoCD, we will deploy a Classy Cluster workload-vsphere-tkg1.
  • Once the cluster deployment complete, the PostSync job hook within ArgoCD will add the new cluster to ArgoCD.
  • The job will then install cert-manager and contour K8s addons to the workload cluster deployed in the previous step.

ArgoCD installation (to be executed on the Supervisor Control Plane VM)

Note. This excersise is not to demonstrate how to install and configure ArgoCD. This could be done by leveraging Supervisor Services and its APIs.

tdnf install wget

# We need to modify the RBAC on the ARGOCD NS to add new clusters and applications dynamically. 
kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml -n demo1

vi install.yaml # There are two ClusterRoleBindings with reference to "namespace: argocd". Change them to "namespace: demo1" and save the file. 
kubectl apply -f install.yaml -n demo1
# The above commands may not work as its pulling image from dockerhub and end up with rate limiting issues. If so perform the next two commands - 
# kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred  --docker-username="{{DOCKERHUB USERNAME}}" --docker-password='{{DOCKERHUB PASSWORD}}' --docker-email={{DOCKERHUB EMAIL}} -n demo1
# kubectl patch serviceaccount argocd-redis -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "regcred"}]}'
# kubectl patch serviceaccount argocd-hook  -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "regcred"}]}'

# Expose the argocd-server service as type LoadBalancer and get the IP address of the UI service. 
# This can be later modified to expose the service as type Ingress or HttpProxy
kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n demo1 -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
kubectl get svc argocd-server -n demo1 -o json|jq -r '.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip'

Login to ArgoCD for the first time

# Download the relevent ArgoCD CLI

# Login to the Supervisor API
kubectl vsphere login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --server {{SUPERVISOR IPADDRESS}} -u [email protected]
# Update the kubeconfig context to the {{SUPERVISOR IPADDRESS}}
argocd admin initial-password -n demo1
argocd account update-password

You can now login to the ArgoCD UI with the new admin password.

Deploy a classy cluster using the sample manifest provided in the tkc folder in this repo

Using the UI or the CLI create the initial cluster creation jon. The tkgs-cluster-class-noaz.yaml is the sample file. You can close this repo, modify the yamls and execute setup as per your requirements.

argocd app create tkc-deploy --repo --path tkc --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace demo1 --auto-prune --sync-policy auto
# for e.g.
# argocd app create {{NAME OF JOB}} --repo {{PATH OF GIT REPO}} --path {{DIRECTORY OF THE CLUSTER YAML}} --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace {{SUP NAMESPACE WHERE CLUSTER IS TO BE DEPLOYED}} --auto-prune --sync-policy auto

This single command should do the magic !!!


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