This repository should be the first/only one checked out when building a new OpenEyes development machine instance.
It contains/will contain the following files and directories: This file
Vagrantfile The Vagrant VM configuration
/behat The behat configuration (if behat install has been run)
/install The installation scripts and utility commands
/www The code base once fully checked out (this is syncd to the virtual machine as /var/www)
HOW TO INSTALL OPENEYES (This instructions assume you are using OS X 10.6 or later)
- Install Vagrant, VirtualBox (v4.3, v5 does not work) and Git command line tools on your system
- Clone OpenEyes/oe_installer to a directory of your choice
- Change to your repo directory and run: vagrant up
- Once built, run vagrant ssh
- From within the vagrant box, run the following commands:
sudo /vagrant/install/
sudo /vagrant/install/
At this point you should have a fully working OpenEyes instance, reachable at localhost:8888 or
If you require behat, then from the VM run the following command:
sudo /vagrant/install/
If you wish to perform browser tests, then follow these steps:
log on to the main VM window as vagrant/vagrant
From that terminal, run startx
From another terminal window (eg from vagrant ssh), run /var/www/behat/
From a third terminal window (eg from vagrant ssh), cd to /var/www/behat and run bin/behat --profile=n
where n is either chrome or firefox
Please use version 4.3.* of VirtualBox. Version 5 is known to have problems with shared folders.
These install scripts should also run on a windows platform. If you receive an error about 'file cannot be created' (operation not permitted) on a very long filename, then chances are your installation directory along with the long filename has exceeded the 260 character limit imposed by certain parts of the Windows OS. Try changing your installion directory to something less than 30 charcters, eg C:\openeyes