Welcome to the My Techtalk live demo, where we'll compare the latency of video streaming using WebSocket and WebRTC.
Follow these steps to run the demo:
Step 1: Download or clone this entire folder to your local machine.
Step 2: Install Dependencies! Please open your terminal and run the following command to install the required dependencies:
npm install
- Step 3: Start up the server! Please run the following command on your terminal:
npm run dev
- Step 4: Go to localhost:8000, and you can make a choice to go to which branch you prefer
Or, you may go to localhost:8000/stream directly for hosting the video streaming via WebSocket.
Also, you may go to localhost:8000/view directly for representing a audience of the video streaming via WebSocket. (You may open localhost:8000/view as much as possible to have fun)
- Step 5: For the WebRTC, Please go to /WebRTC client folder, there is another README for WebRTC video streaming.
Note: This demo is for educational purposes to compare the latency of video streaming using WebSocket and WebRTC. It showcases the differences between the two technologies and their implications on real-time video communication.
Enjoy exploring the WebSocket and WebRTC video streaming demo! If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to me.
Happy streaming! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀