- Language: Typescript
- Framework: Koa
- API Docs: Swagger + Koa Docs Generator
- Swagger
- Koa Swagger Decorator
- Testing
- Unit tests: Jest
- Functional tests: Supertest, MongoDB In-Memory
- Mutation tests: Stryker
- Linting
- Eslint with Typescript
- Code Formatting
- Prettier
- Editorconfig
- Database
- Mongoose
- Typegoose
- Requests validation: class-validator
- Background jobs: Agenda
- Event Manager
- Logging with winston
- Dependency Injection
- Commits linting: Commitlint + Husky
- Docker
- Development environment
- Production environment
- Database migrations (migrate-mongo)
- Continuous Integration
- Travis CI
- Coveralls
- Code quality check
- Code Climate
- Security Check
- Snyk
- Configure Node.js global object and remove "(global as any)"
- Output "id" instead of "_id" (virtual property with typegoose?)
- yarn runs either all dependencies or only production deps, how to install dev dependencies ONLY?
- Command "docker-compose exec web yarn test:once" fails -> no tests to run found
- create .env, copy content from .env.dist and set variables, for example: APP_PORT=3000, DB_HOST=localhost:27017, DB_NAME=myapp
- .env file is ignored by git and shouldn't be pushed to repo
- yarn (or: npm i)
- run in development mode: yarn start:dev (or: npm run start:dev)
- run tests in development mode: yarn test (or: npm test)
Command | Description |
docker-compose up --build | start in development mode (no debugger enabled) |
TARGET=debugging docker-compose up --build | start in development mode with debugger attached |
Command | Description |
start:prod | run production version (must be built with "build" command |
start:dev | run in development mode |
start:debug | run in development mode with enabled debugger |
build | build production version |
clean | remove node_modules, coverage, built app and so on |
test | run tests in watch mode |
test:once | run all tests once |
test:coverage | run all tests and export code coverage |
lint | lint code |
format:check | check code for formatting issues |
format:write | check and automatically fix formatting issues |
- yarn build && yarn start:prod (or: npm run build && npm run start:prod)
Open: localhost:3000/api-docs/html or localhost:3000/api-docs/json
- Edit configurations -> new configuration -> Attach to Node.js/Chrome
- Host: localhost, port: 9229
- Run docker machine with debugger: TARGET=debugging docker-compose up --build
- Run "debug"