- Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account
- Python
- Pipenv
- Pulumi
Create account to Oracle Cloud for free:
Setup OCI credentials:
Install Pulumi:
Install Python packages with pipenv (https://pipenv.pypa.io/en/latest/install/#installing-pipenv):
pipenv install
Activate Python virtual environment:
pipenv shell
Set the OCI compartment ID, and path to your private and public SSH key with Pulumi:
pulumi login --local
pulumi stack
pulumi stack select
pulumi config set ssh-key-path <path to your private SSH key>
pulumi config set ssh-public-key-path <path to your public SSH key>
pulumi config set --secret compartment-id <your OCI compartment ID>
Launch 2 free tier ARM instances to Oracle Cloud and deploy RKE with Pulumi:
pulumi up
Your Kubernetes configuration file should be available in out/rke_kubeconfig
so you can use commands like KUBECONFIG=out/rke_kubeconfig kubectl ...
Was going to use RKE2 but no dice with ARM currently: rancher/rke2#817