This is a C# implementation of a directory brute forcing tool designed to allow for in-memory execution.
I couldn't find one written in C# for use with tools such as Cobalt Strike's execute-assembly, where it's not feasible to perform directory fuzzing over a SOCKS proxy.
There's also an option to download a wordlist from a remote host to avoid dropping files to disk.
Using a wordlist on disk:
SharpBuster.exe -u -w C:\Windows\Users\Public\wordlist.txt
Downloading a wordlist from a remote host:
SharpBuster.exe -u --wordlisturl
Run with extensions appended to the wordlist:
SharpBuster.exe -u --wordlisturl -e php,aspx
Run with extensions and recurse through directories: (Note: recursion is in the works)
SharpBuster.exe -u --wordlisturl -e php,aspx --recursion true
-u | --url The URL to brute force
-w | --wordlist The full path to the wordlist to use
-wu | --wordlisturl URL of wordlist to use to avoid writing to disk
-bi | --builtin Uses the wordlist hardcoded into the source. Blank by default. Can be used to avoid writing to disk or requesting a remote file.
-e | --ext A comma separated list of extensions to append, ex: php,asp,aspx
-r | --recursive Perform a recurisve search
--username Username for basic authentication
--password Password for authentication
--proxy Address of proxy to use, ex:
--proxy-creds Credentials to use to authenticate to proxy, ex: username:password
--cookie Cookie to use, ex: myCookie=value | If multiple cookies are being used, separate them with a comma
--threads Number of threads to use. Default: 2
--timeout Amount of seconds to wait before timing out. Default: 10 seconds
-k | --insecure Ignore SSL certificate checking
--user-agent User agent to use. Default: SharpBuster
-fc | --filter-codes Codes to exclude from the results. Separated by comma, ex: 403,404,301
-ac | --allow-codes Only allow certain codes. Separated by comma, ex: 200,301,302
-h | --help Show help information