The task assistant app allows users to create tasks, preview them and mark them as done. Functionality to update a specific task exists in the backend but is to be added in the frontend.
DMBS: PostgreSQL, hosted on
ORM: Hibernate
Backend Framework: Springboot
Dependancy management tool: Maven
Frontend Framework: Angular
Frontend library: Angular Material
To run the project locally:
- Make sure you have JDK 17 installed
- I have used Intelli J as IDE for the backend and can confirm the project is prima there
- Clone the github repository (
- Open the backend project and add the sytem variables for the database you have received per mail (save the configuration)
- You can run the project either from the IDE or you can navigate to the pom.xml file directory via the terminal and run "mvn spring-boot:run"
- I have used Visual Basic as IDE for the fronend and can confirm it works great there
- Make sure you have Node.js on your local machine
- Make sure you have Angular CLI installed on your local machine (you can use "npm install -g @angular/cli")
- Navigate to the root directory of the cloned Angular project using a terminal or command prompt. Run "npm install"
- Open the frontend project and use "ng serve" to run the application
- Application is accessible at "http://localhost:4200"
- video - displays the frontend implementation, which is not yet done. There are certainly points, which will be improved. As explained in the mail, it is a really busy period.
- video - displays the working PUT request
- Both videos are compressed and low quality thus the snaps have been added as well. There you can really see the UI.